Michigan resident Kristina Karamo knows a thing or two about voter fraud. Kristina worked as a GOP poll challenger in the city of Detroit at the TCF Center, where she witnessed election officials processing ballots. On Monday, Karamo worked from 10 AM- 6 PM, and on Tuesday, Nov. 3, she was back at it, working for almost 48 straight hours, only resting once, when she took a short nap on a couch upstairs outside the room where GOP workers went to get food and water or to sit on a chair.
Yesterday, during an interview with Dominion contract employee Melissa Carone, Karamo talked about the voter fraud she witnessed while working in Detroit. Karamo explained that she and other poll challengers asked to get a count on the tabulators before the next shift started between shifts. After a lot of run around, she was told by Wayne County election workers that they would not give them the count from the tabulation machines.
Karamo explained that the most glaring example of voter fraud happened while she was acting as a Republican poll challenger at an adjudicator table, where computer screens are used to more closely examine questionable markings on ballots to help determine the will of the voter. Kristina explained that one of the ballots being examined by election workers was marked “Straight Democrat Party” and “Straight Republican Party.” She explained that both of the circles were completely filled in for both parties and that there was no ambiguity about the voter’s intent, “A filled-in circle is a very intentional mark,” Karamo said. “When it came across the adjudication screen, the person accessing the vote [wearing a hat] said, ‘I think I’m gonna give this to the Democrats.'” Karamo told her, “No, no, no—you’re supposed to throw that ballot out!” Karamo got up from her seat and found her immediate supervisor, who she brought over to the table. When the Wayne County election supervisor came over, she asked the adjudicator what she thought she should do with the vote? A frustrated Karamo decided to give it to the person who she believed was in charge of the entire election process. “give it to the Democrat.” Karamo said she felt like she was in “The Twilight Zone” and decided to get the gentleman who was overseeing the entire election process. “He is overseeing the entire 10 PM – 5 AM process, and comes over, and guess what?” Karamo asked, adding, “He says the same thing to her, ‘What do you think?'” Karamo demanded that the vote be thrown out, at which time the supervisor argued with her, refusing to allow her to challenge the vote while repeatedly telling the adjudicator to push the vote through for the Democrat Party.
“If he’s going to do such a blatantly illegal act, in my face, there’s no telling what else he permitted,” Karamo said, adding that the same supervisor who was overseeing the entire ballot counting process and was there when she witnessed a truck showing up filled with ballots between 3- 3:30 AM in the morning.
Watch Kristina’s incredible testimony here:
*Melissa Carone believed Kristina Karamo was referring to the head of the Wayne Co. Election Bureau, Daniel Baxter. Karamo has clarified that while she does not know the name of the top election official (a black male that she described in the video), who made the ultimate decision to push the illegitimate ballot through, Daniel Baxter was not there at the time.