Billionaire Richard Branson’s new autobiography busts the Obama’s for their ungrateful attitude after 8 years in the White House. Upon leaving the White House for the last time and arriving at billionaire Branson’s retreat, Michelle Obama told him, ‘We’re free’…

These could be the worst and most offensive parting words ever spoken by a former First Lady. This is the definition of ungrateful.

It doesn’t end there…

Since leaving the White House, Michelle Obama has been a slash and burn Democrat who never holds back when offending President Trump or the “all white men” in politics:

She said this while speaking at a tech conference in Utah: ‘We are looking at two different administrations,’ she said, referring to her husband’s administration versus President Trump’s. ‘One administration was built on hope, while the other administration leads with fear’

More recently she claimed that people don’t like politics because it’s mostly old white men…
At the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, former first lady Michelle Obama said when she attended the State of the Union address she would notice the Republican side was “all men, all white,” and that was why she argued many people of color “don’t trust politics.”

Speaking about diversity, Obama said, “We should be working actively to mix it up, so we’re getting a real broad range of perspectives on every issue. Shoot, I would see that in Congress.”

Her true colors are showing and it’s not so pretty. A hateful and racist demeanor seems to have leaked out. Yes, we knew it was there but with the left’s anger at the election of Trump, it’s REALLY showing now.

What we’d like to ask Michelle is what she feels free from. Did she hate the White House and everything it brings with it so much that she felt captive there?

One of her statements to Branson was: ‘It’s so nice to have my name back after eight years’…Did she detest the role of first Lady so much that she hated the name?

She continued her theme of “freedom” at a tech conference in Utah where she spoke of how great it is to be free from the trappings of the White House…Apparently, it was so difficult to tell the staff “what kind of toilet paper you use or where to find a fork”. We think that’s the definition of ungrateful and spoiled…Do you?


Read more: Daily Mail

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