President Trump’s 74th birthday is on June 14, and his supporters are planning huge boat parades across America as a way to celebrate him.

Across America, tens of thousands of grassroots Trump supporters will join boat owners on lakes, rivers, the intercoastal waterway, and even the ocean, to show their support for President Trump and to let him know they’ll be voting for him in 2020.

President Trump showed his appreciation for the boat parades across the country with a tweet thanking them, saying “Love our Boaters, love our Country! #MAGA

The formerly blue state of Michigan is stepping up in a big way to show their support and enthusiasm for President Trump.

According to Michigan Conservative Coalition and Michigan Trump Republicans spokesperson, Matt Seely, the boat parade his group has planned in Michigan will have over 1,000 participants.[0]=68.ARBBDWJOu5F6ZiPs7yyU85dx-SbFnxRAWWwtR7cqjZ6urTahONSCi8l69N4ukU6oQpB_PDFKBwpewImisWVRhMB-yeKDsL0F-in6yT-jFefy-0kCyPdYYolXfN2Nh6IG5OxHMoRSaX639-P2pcXd4UJhCqULRCkri0YyyMzg1VgLq4HevEv-5b66fTKTI4GQfybGdEjpN7CzNjkSHtGHwMBqgo-xuxh16kkTAAe-YJMpzCMCzQrBbpuo9_VBzwRocKDbiv8DyPPI4qud4_eXoqVNgzZStzErNp70h-TAUtzmVvJxRTVl-S9V_apvsAn2PCwXhACTJZHfwYHO6EE9agPIQLyfHep_Wn4&__tn__=-R

Boats decked out in Trump flags and banners lined up last night at a local marina, as they prepared for the boat parade that started early this afternoon.

In his latest update, Matt Seely estimates over 2,000 boats are in attendance.[0]=68.ARCwijIgiHoOlcBYvlbM5Wlh3yY7JKAMEKNioWnOkGbULR0cESRzCNGgG4YC8L1_NRTKLP-rC0LFoEwffI1MYZZwawSem1Y2yKMQXFVulDoo1CS7tOMqjM_7xyie0PH7XlgrtlEPzexUZGnPeZWcm-Jc2FqV2DbZ8C7q49o0V4_PNgexM9Nm8lfiVVDZ73_WmxpRFlAsz3XPesPk4lXdZfjwgxLzfG8xQ1WPdm8UW9HfEvfBajvsc9o2VFwuWdheypBeweocfzhmixkfc-UYFzAcbd4zN-4DAiE7ZxPq8JFegycvxqkTQIPnjF5fnHjUf_6zFxaAVpanXG3DkD_-zkDX_8xZZGqjw90&__tn__=-R

An aerial photo of the Michigan boat parade on Lake St. Clair shows the massive support for President Trump in Michigan.

Photo credit: Erik Piper

Here’s another video from the Michigan Trump Republican group that organized the event:[0]=68.ARAY3nc1kjsQ-_3ZeHIDHhiSJr6psjwYXXL7wCmVCX9OgpIxMbSbx76deVe63MHbKPWbZBOH-PdjKx8OXP0vH1rLAOHLHo8zBasy4v9gdIRAM8J5QCms31mavGmfrHYlg6Mm4SOdMkrbxo5zd-XwpSO4IBts6n59Rk4ivwf0JvVx2Lq8i9O3d2egrKMe3u_hKDK9iO_WPBOTZ98ZIQGqZlIRKBR-dOiNH8sJIE-254w-0KOAtMoVfhbUaOpNNaHthFCc8DMfz48GTRLeMkuQ1lWKIw7s2R7rHAL7AU5H4l6EH7A8U71EBz7q82t9ri5FTeZCwTQ4i6moajQjA2RWwWu60tyXPyY53lU&__tn__=-R

DFP – “Truthfully, with everything we’ve been through (with) the COVID-19 crisis, I think that people are really just excited that Michigan is opening back up on Monday, and that it’s summer in Michigan,” Seely said. “The Great Lakes are beautiful and everyone wants to get on their boat.

They expect that about three seaplanes, one helicopter, and several drones are to join the parade, Seely said. A car parade will also be taking place at the same time.


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