Michigan State Rep. Cynthia Johnson threatened Trump supporters last night and then was punished for it later today (see below). She’s now doubling down on her threats with a very strange video.

Listen to the rant below:

Whoa. More threats! Another video by MI Democrat State Rep Johnson. She isn’t very happy about being removed from committees and the ethics inquiry! She should be worried about much, much more.



That didn’t take long…After Michigan State Rep. Cynthia Johnson threatened Trump supporters in a Facebook live video last night (see video below), there has now been swift punishment for Johnson. There may be more punishment to come for Johnson.

Speaker of the Michigan House Lee Chatfield tweeted:

“Threats to Democrats or Republicans are unacceptable and un-American. They’re even more unbecoming of an elected official. Rep. CA Johnson has been stripped of her committees, and we’re looking into further disciplinary action as the proper authorities conduct their investigations.”


Earlier today, Lin Wood sent a strongly-worded message back to Johnson:

Lin Wood has been a fighter for President Trump and a fighter trying his best to expose voter fraud. He’s a great Patriot.

After Michigan State Rep. Cynthia Johnson threatened Trump supporters last night, he responded to Johnson’s threat (see video below) by saying:

Good morning!

I think her message is clear. She does not understand the nature of the battle forthcoming. Her side is made up of liars who seek to do evil.

Patriots are ready. So is President Trump

So is Almighty God.

Stay strong. Speak truth. Be fearless

Johnson was on Facebook live last night when she posted the video threatening Trump supporters. Our previous report on Johnson:

Michigan State Rep. Cynthia Johnson tweeted out a video last night making a statement about the supposed threats she’s gotten from Trump supporters after questioning witnesses of voter fraud during the voter integrity hearing in Lansing, Michigan.

Johnson rambles and threatens throughout the entire video, but the biggest threat comes at the end:

She calls on “soldiers” to “make them pay” at the end of the video:

“This is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. We ain’t playing with you. … And for those of you who are soldiers .. Make Them Pay…”

This is just one example of how the left considers this war. Johnson went after a witness testifying about voter fraud accusing her of lying:


They are determined to win by all means necessary.


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