Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims harassed teen girls and a mom who were outside at a Planned Parenthood clinic. What he didn’t think about is that everyone has a voice and everyone has a right to express themselves.

The Philadelphia police and district attorney’s office say they are looking into the incident of harassment by Sims.

On the video Sims took, he offered money to identify the girls and to harass them. The mother of the girls says she didn’t realize Sims is a State Representative until the video went viral on social media. The mom of the girls, Ashley Garecht, filed a police report on the Democrat Representative.

Life News reports that Ashley Garecht told CBS Philadelphia Sims’ aggressive behavior had her concerned for her daughters’ and their friend’s safety. The girls are ages 13 and 15:

Lawmaker or not, “no grown man should act that way toward any minor under any situation,” she told NBC 10. Asked if she felt in danger, she said Sims had “an imposing physical presence.” Garecht repeatedly has said her biggest concern was for her daughters and their friend.

“Absent the pro-life issue, this was about an adult interacting with minors in an aggressive manner and an adult infringing on minors’ speech. I don’t need an apology from him. I’m an adult. I’ve already forgiven him.”

Ashley Garecht spoke out today:

At the very least, the mom wants Sims to apologize to her daughters and their friend but the police are looking into this incident.

As it turns out, the Planned Parenthood clinic where Sims harassed the women has had numerous violations.

A LifeNews petition calling for Sims’ resignation has nearly 30,000 signatures. And a fundraiser started by the Garecht family earlier this week already raised more than $100,000 for a charity that supports mothers and babies in the city.

There are two videos that show Sims harassing different women. One video shows him harassing an older lady for several minutes. The second video is the mom and teen girls.


Democrat State Rep. Brian Sims (PA) became famous today after he released a videotape of himself bullying an elderly woman in front of a Planned Parenthood center in PA.

An elderly woman is peacefully protesting in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic when Brian Sims, a Democrat State Representative from PA ambushes her while videotaping her with his phone.

The Democrat state representative was so proud of what he did to this elderly woman that he posted the video of the “old white lady” on Twitter. In the video, Sims can be seen berating her for her praying in front of the Planned Parenthood clinic, as he repeatedly shouts, “shame on you.!” at the elderly woman.

Sims follows the elderly woman with the camera, attempting to shame her for not looking at the camera on his phone that he’s recording her with, saying, “here’s a white lady trying to shame people by telling them what’s right for other people’s bodies.”

“Shame on you ma’am”…”What you’re doing here is wrong”

He even tries to FUNDRAISE off of his abuse of the woman he’s videotaping! At one point in the video, he asks for donations to Planned Parenthood.

After he got called out on Twitter for harassing the woman, he doubled down and went really low, tweeting:

“Bring it, Bible Bullies! You are bigots, sexists, and misogynists and I see right through your fake morals and your broken values.”

Now, another video has emerged of the same state representative from Pennsylvania, this time, he’s targeting young girls, a woman and a young man, who were all praying in front of the same Planned Parenthood clinic.

In this video, the Democrat lawmaker is again, filming himself, as he bullies three young girls, a woman (who may be a mom of one or more of the girls), and a young man praying outside a Planned Parenthood center.

In the video, a very angry Rep. Sims (D-PA) can be heard threatening to doxx the young girls, as he yells out that he’ll give anyone $100 to tell him their home addresses. He also accuses the girls of being “pseudo-Christian protestors.”


Rep. Sims said he has “one hundred dollars for anybody who will identify any of these three.” As the Democrat state representative makes an open offer to dox the girls, the woman, who appears to be a mom steps up to tell him they are just there praying for the unborn babies. As the girls and the woman walk away, the Democrat Rep. turns his anger on a young man standing alone and praying, threatening him that he’ll pay someone to dox him as well.

No citizen, much less an elected official, should ever be allowed to verbally assault and threaten to dox people for praying peacefully in front of Planned Parenthood!


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