Despite the 24/7 media and Big Tech assault on the Donald Trump (or, perhaps because of it) since before he was even inaugurated, Gallop finds that Donald Trump is the undisputed Most Admired Man in America.  He is so beloved and revered that he beat out The Anointed Barrack Obama, a perennial favorite as well as the Dalai Lama and the current leftist Pope Francis.  This is Donald Trump’s 10th Top Ten Finish in the poll.  Details, below:

PJ Media Reports:

“In 2019, Trump and Obama tied, with 18 percent of Americans naming each of them as the most admired man in an open-ended survey. This year, 18 percent of Americans again named Trump while only 15 percent chose Obama, according to Gallup.

Trump took the top spot arguably because Republicans consolidated around him. While only 39 percent of Americans approve of his job performance (thanks, no doubt, to the legacy media’s attempts to suppress the news of the president’s major accomplishments such as peace in the Middle East), 48 percent of Republicans named Trump, with no other public figure receiving more than 2 percent of Republican votes. Only 45 percent of Republicans named Trump last year.

Democrats, by contrast, proved divided. Only 13 percent of them named Biden while more than twice that number (32 percent) named Obama, down from 41 percent who named the former president as their most admired man last year.

Independents evenly split between Trump (11 percent) and Obama (11 percent), with 3 percent naming Biden and 2 percent naming infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci.

Gallup has asked the open-ended most admired man question since 1946, and the incumbent president has topped the list 60 of the 74 times. Rather than listing the years the president has topped the list, Gallup listed the years in which presidents did not take the top slot: Harry Truman (1946-1947 and 1950-1952), Lyndon Johnson (1967-1968), Richard Nixon (1973), Gerald Ford (1974-1975), Jimmy Carter (1980), George W. Bush (2008), and Trump (2017-2018).





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