Three of House Speaker Mike Johnson’s top policy staffers have reportedly resigned six months into his speakership.

According to Punchbowl News, the aides will leave Johnson’s office by the end of May.

“Brittan Specht, Jason Yaworske and Preston Hill — all of whom also worked for former Speaker Kevin McCarthy — are heading to Michael Best Strategies, a lobbying firm with offices in D.C. and around the country,” the outlet stated.

Punchbowl News reports:

The departure, which is striking in size and in experience, strips Johnson of a significant amount of expertise in his domestic policy shop. Specht was McCarthy’s policy director and was key in crafting the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which raised the debt limit and set budget levels for two years.

Yaworske is a well-respected adviser to the speaker on the appropriations and budget matters. As the House Appropriations Committee begins marking up the FY2025 spending bills, Yaworske’s expertise on government spending is in demand.

And Hill, a longtime figure in GOP leadership, was in charge of overseeing House Republican policy in burgeoning policy areas such as cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence as well as Education and the Workforce and Financial Services.

Another common thread here is that all three have been at the table during high-stakes negotiations — something that is a rarity at the top levels of the Republican leadership.

The news follows Johnson surviving an attempt by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to oust him as House Speaker.

In a 359-43 vote, the uniparty banded together to save Johnson.

196 Republicans and 163 Democrats voted to block the effort to oust Johnson from the speakership.

11 Republicans and 32 Democrats voted to remove Johnson.

House Overwhelmingly Backs Mike Johnson In Effort To Remove Speaker, Donald Trump Issues Statement

Johnson has pushed the uniparty agenda forward, funding wars in foreign nations and neglecting the chaotic southern border.

Per Breitbart:

Johnson, who despite holding a small majority has repeatedly advanced Democrats’ priorities to the point that 163 Democrats voted earlier this month to save his speakership, committed to soldiering on.

“Because the 118th Congress became the first in history to vote to change Speakers midstream, these friends committed to assist us for the first six months of the transition, and through some of the most difficult policy challenges in decades,” Johnson said in an emailed statement to Punchbowl. “We are truly happy for them as they now pursue their new opportunities in the private sector, and we know they will be a great success.”

“We look forward to announcing soon the new talent that will be joining our policy team — as we continue to advance our conservative agenda and build momentum to grow our Republican majority this fall,” Johnson concluded.

McCarthy talked up the trio, telling Punchbowl, “Brittan, Jason, and Preston are the strongest brain trust in the Capitol. They have been involved in every major negotiation over the last 7 years. Whether it’s tax, appropriations, financial services, or defense, AI and the debt limit, they’ve been in the room and at the table with the highest stakes.”

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