THE MUSLIM ACTIVIST GROUP CAIR is REALLY stepping over the line with their latest effort to change America. They’ve made a “template” (see below)for how we can ditch our history…I kid you not! All we can say is H*LL NO! They’ve steamrolled over so many local governments that this shouldn’t surprise anyone. CAIR is linked to terrorists and is doing their best to infiltrate all that is America to change it. Removing Confederate statues is just CAIR trying to score political points with the left. How dare they demand anything of us…This terrorist group should be named and shamed.

The Daily Caller reported:

Nihad Awad, CAIR’s national executive director, urged state and local governments to erase every symbol and every vestige of Confederate history immediately.

“A fitting response to the deadly terror attack on anti-racist protesters in Charlottesville would be for officials in states and cities nationwide to immediately announce that every street, every school, every flag, and every public memorial honoring those who took up arms in defense of white supremacy and slavery will be removed or have its name changed to instead honor those who fought for civil rights,” Awad said in a statement to The Daily Caller.

“Removal of these memorials would be a small step forward in turning the page on the darkest period in our nation’s history,” Awad also said.


Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Resolution Template


Requesting the Removal of All Confederate Memorials, Flags, Street Names, and Symbols from Public Spaces and Property


August XX, 2017

Requesting the Removal of All Confederate Memorials, Flags, Street Names, and Symbols from Public Spaces and Property

•Whereas the preservation of these memorials validates the subjugation experienced by African-Americans due to their size, prominent placement and public display;
•Whereas the investments and arrangement made to recognize Confederate figures communicates core beliefs that promote the endurance of white supremacy and racism;
•Whereas every Confederate memorial, flag, street name, and symbol proclaims the injustices and suffering experienced by African-Americans as insignificant and dismissible;
•Whereas every Confederate memorial, flag, street name, and symbol commemorates and honors those who fought to enslave African-Americans;
•Whereas every Confederate memorial, flag, street name, and symbol diminishes the numerous contributions and services African-Americans made, and continue to make, to the United States;
•Whereas every Confederate memorial, flag, street name, and symbol celebrates individuals who campaigned against giving African-Americans their rights and liberty;
•Whereas every public symbol that references the Confederacy in the United States glorifies individuals who sought to divide the nation and preserve white supremacy;
•Whereas the removal of all memorials, flags, street names, and symbols of Confederacy from public spaces and property reaffirms to the public, especially African-Americans and other minority groups, that we do not endorse the ideals these objects represent;
•Whereas the removal of all public references to the Confederacy would respect the entitlement of African-Americans and others to equal protection of their civil and human rights;






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