Why is this man walking among us and why hasn’t the American media jumped all over this guy? The former friend of one of the London Bridge attackers claims he was radicalized by the American preacher’s online videos. The BBC’s Aleem Maqbool went to Michigan in search of Ahmad Musa Jabril.

Michigan is one of the top five states to get refugees. It is a target state and is being flooded with Muslim refugees. The governor of Michigan should be help accountable for the cost to the taxpayers and for the security risk that comes with this. 

Michigan is expected to take in more than 5,000 refugees this year, the highest number since 2002, amid renewed concerns about security and the latest effort in Congress to overhaul the U.S. Resettlement Program.


Since 2002, the earliest year for which U.S. officials say they have reliable state-by-state data,*** Michigan has resettled between about 500 and 4,500 refugees annually. State social service agencies say they plan to take in about 5,100 this year.

The expected influx comes as intelligence officials warn Islamic State members posing as refugees will likely launch an attack on U.S. soil this year. A bill seeking to cap the number of refugees and strengthen security measures was approved Wednesday by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.

Dick Manasseri of Rochester Hills questioned the decision to bring in more immigrants after U.S. intelligence officials said they expect a terrorist attack this year by extremists posing as refugees.

“The entire country is watching Michigan officials being criticized for not protecting its people from toxic water,” he said. “Could the runaway refuge resettlement program be another case of government officials failing to protect citizens?”

Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, warned Congress last month Islamic State extremists posing as refugees “will probably attempt to … direct attacks on the U.S. homeland in 2016.”

In testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee last week, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said accepting Syrian refugees escaping their country’s civil war could pose a security threat, adding that security has been stepped up.

Read more: Detroit News

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