Big shout out to my friend Mark for sending me this one.

This is a Must See on a couple different levels.

First, you’ve probably heard a lot about new Argentine President Javier Milei, but have you ever heard from him directly?

This is Milei in the belly of the beast, going directly to the World Economic Forum and essentially telling them off right to their face.

It reminded me so much of when President Trump went to the United Nations in 2017 and did the exact same thing.  Two legendary moments.  More on that in just a bit.

But aside from being incredible for the content of the speech, this is also a Must See on another whole level.

You see, English is not Milei’s native language and the speech he gave to the WEF was not in English.  But they used AI to not only change the audio but also the visuals of the speech.

The end result is you SEE and HEAR Milei speaking in English.  Not just audio dubbed over, we’ve been able to do that for years.  But this is audio dubbed over into English but it’s still his “voice” with his accent speaking English!  It’s unreal.

Not only that but they edited the video so that his lips move perfectly with the new English audio.

Really wild stuff.

Watch here, and yes this is genuine — it’s from Milei’s official YouTube channel:

Grok confirms the speech is real and occurred on January 17, 2024:

The whole speech reminded me so much of this moment:

FLASHBACK: When Trump Walked Into the Lion’s Den And RENOUNCED Globalism To Their Face!

This is a flashback to one of my favorite moments from 2018.

I love this President more and more every day!

My friends, you have to understand how truly amazing it is for him to walk into the United Nations and deliver this speech!

The man has no fear and a set of big, huge brass balls!

As he stood there in the Lion’s Den, he delivered a scathing speech to the U.N., denouncing their authority and firmly destroying their idea of globalism!

Here are my favorite quotes:

“We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global beaurocracy!

America is governed by Americans!

We reject the ideology of globalism and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism!”

Watch and enjoy:

Please SHARE this everywhere!

I believe if all Americans would watch just this one clip, it would win Trump 100% re-election in the biggest margin of all time!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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