Fate loves irony, it seems to be one of the true maxims of the universe.

Or as Elon Musk puts it, the most entertaining outcome is the most likely.

So after having his Microsoft Windows platform plagued for DECADES by viruses (and Steve Jobs’ Apple ecosystem is naturally immune to them), Bill Gates quite literally seems to have built up an insane fascination with eradicating all viruses.

Unfortunately for us, he’s no longer working just in the computer world, he’s now experimenting mostly on us — humans.

A new video has just been found which shows Bill Gates bragging about how he was talking with Donald Trump back in 2017 and Donald Trump was working with “some man, his name was Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.” on investigating the links between vaccines and problems like autism and other childhood diseases.

Gates proudly brags in the video that he talked President Trump out of doing that, told him that would be a “very bad idea”.


Watch this short clip:

And for anyone who says that clip is edited or low quality and hard to know what he is saying, here is the higher quality version posted by MSNBC of all places.

And even MSNBC confirms that is the EXACT correct dialogue.

Watch here and then scroll down for the full transcript:



You ever wonder what people who’ve actually met Donald Trump—especially powerful, successful people in American business and beyond who’ve had to try and interact with him because he’s the leader of the free world—say about those encounters behind closed doors?

All In has obtained some never-before-seen footage that gives you a good idea of what one of the wealthiest men in the world, Bill Gates, thinks of the president. Gates took questions during a recent Gates Foundation meeting with staff, and he talked about meeting Donald Trump. Here’s what he had to say:

Bill Gates:

Before he was elected, there was an election event where he and I were at the same place. This horse show thing in Florida. He went up and talked to my wife, Melinda, and was being super nice. Then, like 20 minutes later, he flew in on a helicopter to the same place. So, clearly, he had been driven away and wanted to make a grand entrance in a helicopter.

Anyway, so when I first talked to him, it was actually kind of scary how well he knew… how much he knew about my daughter’s appearance. Melinda didn’t like that. Well, anyway, I saw him after he won the election, and I said, “Hey, science and innovation are great things. You should be a leader who drives innovation.”

That conversation was about a broad set of things in energy, health, and education—big things you want to do. I said, “If you want to do a big HIV vaccine initiative, you could accelerate that and be associated with innovation.”

It was in March after that—so, March 2017—in the White House. In both of those two meetings, he asked me if vaccines weren’t a bad thing because he was considering a commission to look into the ill effects of vaccines. Somebody, his name was Robert Kennedy Jr., was advising him that vaccines were causing problems. I said, “Don’t do that.”

Both times, he wanted to know if there was a difference between HIV and HPV. So I was able to explain that those are rarely confused with each other.


Oh, but wait, there’s more, including how President Trump talks about himself next.

Bill Gates:

When I walked in, his first sentence kind of threw me off. He said, “Trump hears that you don’t like what Trump is doing, Trump.”

Chris Hayes:

Hey there, I’m Chris Hayes from MSNBC. Thanks for watching MSNBC on YouTube. If you want to keep up to date with the videos we’re putting out, you can click subscribe just below me or click over on this list to see lots of other great videos.

There’s a reason 5+ million people trust our reporting each month.

It’s because we originally first alerted you to this story back in 2022!

Here was my original report back then:

FLASHBACK: Bill Gates Says “I stopped Trump from investigating vaccines”

The #1 question I get from people is “what’s up with President Trump and the vaccine?”

People are very confused because for years President Trump was very vocally against vaccines, or at the very least very skeptical of them.

Now he proudly touts pushing what appears to be the most deadly vaccine of all.

So what gives?

Well, if you can believe him, Bill Gates has the answer.

A newly resurfaced video from 2018 shows Bill Gates claiming that he (Gates) talked President Trump out of investigating vaccines.

Yes, really.

And this was from an interview posted back in 2018, so it was before the pandemic ever broke out.

Here’s one clip:

“In both of those two meetings [with Donald Trump], he asked me if vaccines weren’t a bad thing, because he was considering a commission to look into ill-effects of vaccines… And I said “No… that would be a bad thing, don’t do that.””


It’s only a 3 minute clip, watch it for yourself here:

And since that will probably get taken down any second now, I have a backup.

Watch the backup here on Rumble:

It seems to me like Bill Gates of Hell has been planning a lot of demonic things for a very long time.

Anyone remember when he predicted a “killer virus” would soon come that would wipe out 30 million people?

And yes, that would be exactly 1 year before the C19 pandemic hit.

Prediction or causation?

You decide.

Read this from Business Insider in 2018:

If there’s one thing that we know from history, it’s that a deadly new disease will arise and spread around the globe.

That could happen easily within the next decade. And as Bill Gates told listeners on Friday at a discussion about epidemics hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society and the New England Journal of Medicine, we’re not ready.

Gates acknowledged that he’s usually the optimist in the room, reminding people that we’re lifting children out of poverty around the globe and getting better at eliminating diseases like polio and malaria.

But “there’s one area though where the world isn’t making much progress,” Gates said, “and that’s pandemic preparedness.”

The likelihood that such a disease will appear continues to rise. New pathogens emerge all the time as the world population increases and humanity encroaches on wild environments. It’s becoming easier and easier for individual people or small groups to create weaponized diseases that could spread like wildfire around the globe.

According to Gates, a small non-state actor could build an even deadlier form of smallpox in a lab.

And in our interconnected world, people are always hopping on planes, crossing from cities on one continent to those on another in a matter of hours.

Gates presented a simulation by the Institute for Disease Modeling that found that a new flu like the one that killed 50 million people in the 1918 pandemic would now most likely kill 30 million people within six months.

And the disease that next takes us by surprise is likely to be one we see for the first time at the start of an outbreak, like what happened recently with SARS and MERS viruses.

If you were to tell the world’s governments that weapons that could kill 30 million people were under construction right now, there’d be a sense of urgency about preparing for the threat, Gates said.

“In the case of biological threats, that sense of urgency is lacking,” he said. “The world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.”

Stopping the next pandemic

The one time the military tried a sort of simulated war game against a smallpox pandemic, the final score was “smallpox one, humanity zero,” Gates said.

But he reiterated that he’s an optimist, saying he thinks we could better prepare for the next viral or bacterial threat.

In some ways, we’re better prepared now than we were for previous pandemics. We have antiviral drugs that can in many cases do at least something to improve survival rates. We have antibiotics that can treat secondary infections like pneumonia associated with the flu.

We’re also getting closer to a universal flu vaccine; Gates announced on Friday that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would offer $12 million in grants to encourage its development.

And we’re getting better at rapid diagnosis too — which is essential, as the first step toward fighting a new disease is quarantine. Just this week, a new research paper in the journal Science touted the development of a way to use the gene-editing technology Crispr to rapidly detect diseases and identify them using the same sort of paper strip used in a home pregnancy test.

But we’re not yet good enough at rapidly identifying the threat from a disease and coordinating a response, as the global reaction to the latest Ebola epidemic showed.

There needs to be better communication between militaries and governments to help coordinate responses, Gates said. And he thinks governments need ways to quickly enlist the help of the private sector when it comes to developing technology and tools to fight an emerging deadly disease.

You know what else it reminds me of?

It reminds me of Dr. Fraudci in 2017 predicting there would be a “surprise outbreak” coming for Trump to deal with.

Yes, really.

They have tried to scrub this video from the Internet but luckily I saved a copy.

Watch here on Rumble:

Pretty easy to predict a “surprise outbreak” if you cause it in a Wuhan lab and just let it slip out, huh?

Oh, and one last one.

Anyone remember “Event 201”?

A group called Cyber Polygon put on a “simulation” of a global pandemic.

The date?

October 2019.

Literally just a few months before the real thing broke out.

Yup, take a look here if you doubt me:


Folks, did they all have this planned out YEARS in advance?

All working together?

And why is Bill Gates suddenly in the news so much these days?

Have you seen this?

WARNING: Bill Gates’ New “Fake Food Product” APEEL Is Now Approved For Organic Produce

Bill Gates creeps me out.

Somehow the man who couldn’t solve viruses on a computer appointed himself in charge of viruses for human beings.

Tell me how that makes sense!?

It doesn’t!

But not satisfied to stop there, he can’t stop himself from tinkering with our food supply.

The latest?

APEEL – a new food coating and additive designed to go on produce.

Basically an outer cover on fruit.

You know, like a Banana PEEL that already has one?

Bill apparently thinks God didn’t do a good enough design with his own peels, so Bill is trying to add more.

Want to take any guesses on whether this will be good or bad for our food supply?

A Bill Gates COATING onto your produce?


But here’s the latest: the FDA has now approved it for use with organic produce.

Say what?

Take a look:

For more information on APEEL, keep reading because I have covered this extensively many times:

WARNING: Have You Heard About Bill Gates’ New Company “Apeel”?

This guy just doesn’t quit.

And that would be admirable if you were doing great things, but messing with our food supply is not something I consider to be a great thing!

And this guy just doesn’t stop.

Most of us would tend to think God did a pretty good job creating cows, chickens and fruit.

But not Bill Gates.

Bill Gates seems to think he IS God…and he won’t stop messing with our food supply.

Here’s the latest….

It’s a company called “Apeel” and they place a “protective coating” over the outside of fruits.

Gee, what could go wrong?

Take a look:

Here’s what people are saying:

Checking on Wikipedia, we confirm this IS INDEED a Bill Gates funded company:

So basically, Bill Gates has decided he needs to put a “protective cover” over fruit.

You know, the “peel” that God created is no longer good enough.

Unreal the arrogance and evil of this man:

According to Apeel, the Avocados will last twice as long!

Just spray this stuff on your food, no problemo:

Here’s what they say from their website:

From Eater.com:

Throwing out spoiled avocados may be a thing of the past, thanks to a California-based startup that counts Bill Gates among its backers. Apeel Sciences says it’s devised a way to keep avocados at peak ripeness for twice as long, Bloomberg reports, which could drastically cut back on food waste at grocery stores (and at the homes of avocado toast-loving millennials).

Apeel uses recycled plant material to make a powder, which is then mixed with water and used to wash the avocados, resulting in a kind of “second skin” being applied to the fruit. According to the company, “Apeel keeps moisture inside produce and oxygen out, which dramatically slows the rate that produce spoils.” Apeel says its product is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, and has been tested on more than two dozen different types of fruits and vegetables, though for now it’s focusing on the pricey and popular avocado.

The company is currently testing its product on avocados in a partnership with produce supplier Del Rey Avocados; they will be available in more than 100 Midwestern grocery stores, including 30 Costco locations.

While avocados that stay ripe for longer would seemingly be welcome just about everywhere, it makes particular sense for them to be sold at Costco, the bulk retailer where avocados are sold in multi-count bags rather than individually.

And from ASDA.com:

Asda is set to begin a significant new programme in partnership with Apeel Sciences, which will introduce Citrus fruits and Avocados with plant-based protection in c150 stores, to increase shelf life and prevent food waste. It will be the first time that this technology has been used on this scale in the UK.

Apeel’s plant-based protection is made from the same materials found in peels, seeds & pulp and its aim is to slow down the spoiling process. It works by sealing moisture in and keeping oxygen out so that quality and freshness can be maintained for longer, giving customers longer to enjoy their produce and thus helping to prevent food waste.

Globally, food waste is a significant contributor to climate change, accounting for 8% of total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). In the UK alone, food waste is responsible for an estimated 36 million tonnes of GHG emissions every year, according to WRAP. The food waste that Asda hopes to avoid in partnership with Apeel will help the supermarket move towards its target of cutting waste by 50% by 2030.

Asda Senior Director Dominic Edwards, said: “We are always looking for ways to improve the shelf life of our products and make it easier for our customers to make more sustainable food choices whilst making their money go further. We are really excited to be working with Apeel – bringing the great work they’ve been doing globally, to our UK customers. During this programme, we will be learning more about the benefits of longer-lasting produce for our customers, and we are looking forward to seeing what further developments this could lead to in the future.”

Apeel CEO James Rogers, said: “Asda is obsessed with helping their customers’ budgets stretch farther. Now with the availability of longer-lasting produce, Asda has opened a new dimension of value for their shoppers. When shoppers have more time with their food, more of what they buy gets eaten instead of thrown away. How often does saving money help save the planet? It’s happening every day at Asda.”

About Apeel

Apeel is on a mission to create a more sustainable global food system by working with nature to use the power of materials and data sciences. Apeel’s plant-based protection allows for longer-lasting produce by using materials already found in the skins, peels, and seeds of all fruits and vegetables. This protective extra “peel” slows the water loss and oxidation that causes produce to spoil, and it’s the only proven solution for maintaining freshness from farm to kitchen. Apeel’s plant-based protection is available for an ever-growing number of categories and markets, including organic and conventionally grown produce. Additionally, Apeel is integrating new tools that will allow the food system to do more with the extra time created by Apeel’s plant-based protection. Farmers can sell more of what they grow, retailers can sell more of what they source, and people can enjoy more of what they buy, creating a healthier planet and greater abundance for all. Apeel is Food Gone Good.

This is FAR from the first time Bill Gates has desired to alter our food supply.

Have you seen this?

Bill Gates Working With DFID To Put The Poison Vaxx In Cattle!

Hello mRNA steaks!

Would you like your steak well done?


Medium rare?

No matter what you choose it’s about to also come with a side of the mRNA poison vaxx!

How wonderful!


And who do we have to thank?

Why, Bill Gates of course!

Or as some of you have dubbed him, “Kill Gates” as an homage to his penchant for bringing death and destruction seemingly everywhere he goes!

Just ask all the little African children he jabbed.

But I digress, that’s a different story.

Today I want you to see how proud he looks announcing his new partnership with DFID to jab all our cattle and inject them with the toxin mRNA vaxx.

Because: “science”.



More here:

And longer video here:

Look, I don’t know about you but I don’t want mRNA in my meat.

I want to eat big, beautiful Black Angus RED MEAT the way God made it!

The very fact they’re trying to poison the meat tells you all you need to know.

Meat must be very good for you.

Especially meat without antibiotics, without growth hormones, without chemicals….and definitely without mRNA!

But thanks to “Kill Gates” and his friends like Klaus (Anal) Schwab, that kind of unadulterated meat is becoming harder and harder to find.

Why do the big companies pump the cattle full of all this crap?

In Bill Gates’ case, I think he truly believes in a depopulation agenda.

For all the rest?

It’s business, baby!  Big business!  Toxic Big Business!

These big companies raise the cattle in stalls with no space in between them.

The result?

One cow gets sick, they all get sick!

So to keep the operation going, they are constantly pumped full of hormones and antibiotics….and then guess what goes into your body when you eat them?

Guess what goes into your kids bodies?

Ever wonder why kids are starting puberty at younger and younger ages?

Couldn’t be related to them eating meat pumped full of cow steroids, could it?

But enough about the problem….

I NEVER leave you with just the problem.

You better know I’ve got the solution!

I’d like to introduce you to Black Angus beef, pasture raised on hundreds of thousands of acres.

Free roaming with plenty of open air between all the cattle.

Grass fed.

No hormones and no antibiotics.  Never!

Oh, and it’s CHEAPER than Omaha Steaks!

BOOM, who loves ya baby!

The only “catch”?

It’s Invite only.

Good thing you know someone that has the invites….(me!).

If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here and tell them Noah sent you:  http://bit.ly/3E5K89d

It’s the real deal, and because they don’t raise the Black Angus like the big companies do, they may have the SHUT OFF invites if they grow too fast.

So if you want in, let me know soon.

It’s all part of something bigger I’ve just started working on.

Let me fill you in…

When I started this website back in 2015 I started it because I was on a mission…

I wanted to get the truth out to as many people as possible.

The truth that wasn’t being covered anywhere else.

I started with literally 0.

Zero experience…

Zero money…

Zero backers…

Zero readers…

Zero of any of you!

Along the way, we’ve built a massive community of people who love America and want to see our country become great again.

We now average between 4 and 6 million readers EACH MONTH!

And we’re growing again, pretty quickly.

More importantly, the MISSION is growing!

But we’ve also faced major opposition.

Oh it hasn’t been easy by any stretch of the imagination.

We were DELETED from Facebook after having 1.5 million people Follow and Love our Page!

Just poof….one day, gone!

We’ve been censored on almost every platform out there, emails sent to Junk or just “disappeared” despite people signing up over and over.

Speaking of email, we’ve had two email companies ban us because they went Far-Left.

So it hasn’t always been easy…

But we’re on a MISSION and mission always wins out in the end.

And today I want to tell you about an expansion of that mission.

From Day 1, our mission has been about getting the truth out to as many people as we possibly can.

But after being deleted, banned and censored by almost everyone out there, I realized pretty quick that we need a Parallel Economy!

We need to stop sending our dollars to the corporations that hate us and want to see us gone!

Remember the Georgia Guidestones?

They literally told us they wanted to reduce us from 8 billion people on the Earth down to only 500 million.

No big deal, right?

Just an elimination of 94% of all people living right now.

And yet we continue to shop at their big stores and send them our money, because until now we’ve had little choice.

Well, today that changes.

And today my mission EXPANDS…

And I’m SO excited!

Allow me to introduce you to the solution.

It’s time to “Make The Switch” and change where you send your dollars each month.

What if I told you instead of sending your money to Jeff Bezos and Costco and Walmart, you could shop at the LAST pro-America, freedom-loving, American designer, manufacturer and shipper of all the stuff you buy each month!

Oh, and what if I told you the products are BETTER and often CHEAPER?

Yes, for real.

And what if I told you this is the best kept secret you’ve never heard of before, but that this company has been doing this for the last 37 years?

And their founder was once placed on Barack Hussein Obama’s list of the Top 10 most “Dangerous Conservatives” in America?

(a list I one day hope to make myself!)

All of that is real and I’m so excited to tell you about it and I hope you’ll join the MISSION with me.

Here’s a quick summary of this company that I’m so excited to now be partnered up with on this mission:

Sound good to anyone else?

Me too!

The reason you’ve never heard of them is because it’s Invite Only.

I can get you in, but you can’t just go sign up.

They only want people on the same mission to join and they’re happy to say “no” to the Far-Left Libs!

They’ve been doing it for 37 years and it’s been working great.

Oh, and did I mention the products are non-toxic and don’t have all the chemicals and crap like Red Dye 40 that all the Big Corporations put in their products to weaken you?

To wear you down?

To make you — and your family — sick?

Because then when you get sick you’ll buy their drugs!

Sorry folks, I don’t play that game and neither does my family.

We’re talking the LAST all natural, grass fed, no hormone, massive beef cattle ranch in the United States….

Sound good?

We’re talking Fluoride Free Toothpaste, chemical free cleaners, Deet-free mosquito repellant!

What novel concepts, right?

Stop sending you money to these 11 corporations that do NOT have your best interest at heart:

It’s an ILLUSION of choice.

There’s only one pro-American, American made and manufactured, chemical free, toxin free, hormone free, company left….and I’m teaming up with them to FIGHT BACK!

Who’s with me?

Watch this:

As I said, it’s Invite Only and the invite is completely free!

In fact, I’ve assembled a team of patriots who will personally get you invited and signed up….if you want in.

It’s called “Patriot Switch” and I think the name says it all.

Folks, we don’t have many strongholds left.

This is one.

And I’m all in.

If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here:  http://bit.ly/3E5K89d

Tell them Noah sent you and I promise you will get a personal call, text or email.

Don’t freak out when you do.

And make sure you tell them you are interested in the Black Angus beef!

I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don’t recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here: http://bit.ly/3E5K89d) you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you….so be ready!

These are awesome people and I think you’ll love getting a chance to talk with them.

And they’ll help get you all set up.

Who’s with me?

– Noah

p.s. Since everyone gets personal attention, we will take these in the order in which they come in.  So if you are excited, ask for your invite now or you might be far down on the list.  I have a great team, but they can only do so much and they’ll work on a first-come, first-served basis.

Request a free Invite here:  http://bit.ly/3E5K89d


This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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