The FBI took Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) phone after someone reportedly contacted him impersonating Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

“I get a message, I think, from Schumer,” Graham said at the Hill & Valley Forum on Capitol Hill.

“It ain’t from Schumer,” he said.

“You know, my phone is in the hands of the FBI now,” Graham said during a panel discussion.

The Washington Times reports:

Mr. Graham revealed the potential hack in remarks at the Hill & Valley Forum on Capitol Hill, which is a gathering of top tech and government officials meeting in Washington to discuss artificial intelligence security.

Asked about spies targeting Silicon Valley and how AI labs should prepare themselves, Mr. Graham said people should be concerned and relayed his own brush with apparent hackers.

Graham’s office would not confirm if the alleged hack was through a call or text message.

“The Sergeant at Arms is investigating a possible hack of Senator Graham’s phone,” Graham’s spokesperson told NBC News.

Per NBC News:

The FBI declined to comment and referred NBC News to Graham’s office.

Neither the U.S. Capitol Police nor the office of Schumer, D-N.Y., immediately responded to requests for comment.

Lawmakers’ phones have previously been targeted, and in March the Treasury Department banned a company that develops software that can turn a phone into a surveillance device. The software had been deployed against Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, and Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., according to an Amnesty International report.

In Marsh 2023, members of Congress were affected by a health insurance-related data breach in which personal information appeared on a hacker website.

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