Hey everyone,

Noah here and I thought I’d give you my predictions for how things play out tonight in Iowa.

You know, you can’t be Babe Ruth if you don’t call your shot in advance!

So let’s do it, shall we?

I actually have two different things I am expecting.

In the first scenario, I think it’s very likely we could see some sort of mass chaos and a “results delayed” situation.

President Trump is leading by historic margins, and it’s always these types of situations where they need to create chaos to “rig” the results.

We’ve already had a blizzard and record low (-20 degrees) temps plaguing Iowa this week, so the stage has been set.

Does this lead to computer glitches and other “unforeseen problems”?

I think the odds are VERY high we don’t even see results tonight.

Think that’s crazy or just more “conspiracy theory” talk?


In fact, do you remember 2020?

I do.

The exact same thing happened just 4 years ago in the very last election — and almost no one is talking about it!

But I remember it and so does Grok:

The most recent instance of delayed Iowa Caucus results on Caucus night occurred in 2020. On February 3, 2020, the Iowa Democratic Party encountered significant issues in reporting the results of the caucuses due to a combination of technical difficulties and human error.

The primary cause of the delay was a poorly performing app for reporting results, as well as a poorly staffed backup phone line for reporting results, and complicated new rules. The delay in the count was highly unusual and led to widespread confusion and debate over Iowa’s status as the “first-in-the-nation” state for the presidential nomination process.

It took nearly a day after the caucuses took place for the state party to release the majority of the results. The delay in the Iowa Caucus results in 2020 was unprecedented and sparked discussions on the future of Iowa’s electoral process as the first state to weigh in on picking the presidential nominee.

So there you go.

That’s the first scenario I am expecting and I think odds are better than 50/50 that we see some sort of “glitch” that delays results.

And once the results are delayed, anything can happen.

So that scares me.

But now let’s move on to the second scenario….

If there are no glitches and things go as planned, I’m on record with my predictions for how things end up.

I posted this to Twitter earlier so you can see the time-stamp:

My expected outcome for Monday night’s Iowa Caucus:

Trump 1st in landslide victory

Vivek makes surprise surge to come in 2nd

Nikki Haley 3rd because the Establishment will prop her up

Ron comes in a distant 4th, drops out before New Hampshire

What do you think?



We’ll know soon enough!

Unless we see cheating on a mass scale (not out of the cards), it looks like President Trump will take 1st place by a wide margin.

But who do you think comes in 2nd?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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