Nancy Pelosi just shocked a room of people when being interviewed by the Texas Tribune by suggesting the Trump/Harris Debate might not happen.

The most immediate thought everyone has to hearing that is “Why?  Will Kamala back out?  Fake an illness?”


Not Kamala, according to Pelosi.

No, Nancy suggested quite strongly that she does not expect President Trump to show up.

What an extremely strange thing to say!

It even led the interviewer to ask: “Do you know something I don’t know?”

Watch the short clip here:

Full screen video player here:

Fox News reported that the Trump campaign immediately debunked the false claims made by Pelosi:

Swisher asked Pelosi what advice she would give former President Trump ahead of the matchup with Harris. The 84-year-old Pelosi quipped, “You think he’s gonna show up?”

The largely liberal audience burst into laughter, followed by applause, as Pelosi slightly smiled.

Swisher asked, “Do you know something I don’t know?”

“I know cowardice when I see it,” Pelosi responded.

Swisher then said that she assumed Pelosi agrees with former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who called Trump a “misogynist pig” on the very same stage during a previous Trib Fest event.

“Isn’t she wonderful?” Pelosi said of Cheney.

Earlier in the conversation, Pelosi told Swisher that “Speaker Emerita” is her current position, but “Speaker” remains her title.

The Trump campaign dismissed Pelosi’s suggestion of the former president skipping the debate as “fake news.”

“Nancy Pelosi has no idea what she is talking about and has been proven to be a liar and fraud. If she isn’t busy giving herself fake titles to make herself feel better, she’s peddling fake news because it’s the only thing she’s ever done,” Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Fox News Digital.

Pelosi and Trump have a long history of animosity toward each other, regularly trading barbs over the years. In 2020, Pelosi famously tore her printed copy of Trump’s State of the Union address immediately after he finished addressing a Joint Session of Congress.

Meanwhile, in a turn of the tables, many other people expect Kamala Harris to fake getting COVID — errrrr, “come down with COVID” — and back out of the debate:

What do you think?

Will this debate happen as scheduled?

In a related report, Alex Jones has a different expectation:

Alex Jones Claims Kamala Harris Will Take “Molly” Before Debate

Alex Jones, during his latest show, claimed Kamala Harris will take the drug molly (ecstasy) before her first debate with Donald Trump.

Jones, during his latest airing on Infowars, stated, ‘Kamala is going to be on drugs’ and ‘going to be bombed out of her gourd.’

The host of Infowars also claimed Harris was high during her speech at the Democratic National Convention last month.

Watch Jones here:

Check out what TMZ reported:

Alex Jones is well known for his nutty conspiracy theories … but his latest one about Kamala Harris is completely outrageous.

Jones predicted on his far-right wing “Infowars” broadcast Harris will take … wait for it … hallucinogenic drugs before her Tuesday debate against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Specifically, Jones said Harris — the Democratic presidential candidate — will be “bombed out of her gourd” on molly, a synthetic drug that alters your mood and perception and creates health risks.

Here’s what The Daily Mail reported:

Alex Jones has wildly claimed that Kamala Harris will take ecstasy before her first debate with Donald Trump to manage her anxiety.

Jones, a longtime Trump supporter, absurdly alleged on his Infowars show that Harris ‘is going to be on drugs’ and ‘going to be bombed out of her gourd’.

The commentator, who faces $1.5 billion in restitution payments for claiming the Sandy Hook Massacre was a hoax, insisted that the September 10 showdown in Philadelphia won’t be the first time the vice president takes drugs.

Alex Jones has wildly claimed that Kamala Harris will take ecstasy before her first debate with Donald Trump to manage her anxiety.

Jones, a longtime Trump supporter, absurdly alleged on his Infowars show that Harris ‘is going to be on drugs’ and ‘going to be bombed out of her gourd’.

The commentator, who faces $1.5 billion in restitution payments for claiming the Sandy Hook Massacre was a hoax, insisted that the September 10 showdown in Philadelphia won’t be the first time the vice president takes drugs.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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