Watch NBC correspondent Katy Tur tell some of the most biased “news” hosts, “journalists aren’t biased,” as she follows it up with disparaging remarks about President Trump. It’s not long before CNN’s whiny Brian Seltzer and Univision’s angry pro-illegal immigrant host Jorge Ramos jump in to the conversation to explain why it’s okay to trash President Trump: “If we have a president who lies. If we have a president who makes racist and sexist remarks. If we have a president who behaves like a bully, then we can not remain neutral. He’s not an example, not even for school children”. So much for that whole “unbiased” thing. LOL!
Watch as Katy Tur tries to hilariously convince the audience that the press doesn’t have any biases: “If we have any bias, it’s a bias towards the facts”. She then goes on to convince the audience what a horrible human being Donald Trump is, “He didn’t appeal to their better demons of voters in this country. He appealed to their most base fears and their most base frustrations and anger and that worked for him.”
During a news conference in July of 2016, NBC News correspondent Katy Tur asked Trump whether he has “any qualms about asking a foreign government … to hack into a system of anybody’s in this country” after Trump said he hoped Russia would find more emails from Hillary Clinton or the DNC.
“Hey, you know what gives me more pause, that a person in our government, crooked Hillary Clinton — here’s what gives me more pause,” Trump said, as Tur tried to ask follow-ups. “Be quiet, I know you want to, you know, save her. That a person in our government, Katy, would delete or get rid of 33,000 emails. That gives me a big problem. After she gets a subpoena. She gets subpoenaed, and she gets rid of 33,000 emails. That gives me a problem. Now, if Russia or China or any other country has those emails, I mean to be honest with you, I’d love to see them.”
As Tur asked another question a few minutes later, mentioning Trump’s poll numbers, Trump once again mocked her.
“Katy just said that, many polls show you are winning. Are you Katy Tur of NBC? It’s a disguise,” he said.
This is far from the first time Trump has picked on Tur. In June, Trump told “Fox & Friends” that his campaign “don’t even let her in” or let people talk to her “because she’s not a very good reporter.”
In December, Trump called out Tur in the middle of a rally, leading Trump supporters to point at her and boo. “Little Katy, third-rate journalist,” Trump said, as he complained about the news media.
Watch candidate Trump tell Katy to “Be quiet”:
If you want to know why the press is obsessed with taking down Donald Trump, watch this video: