It was a bizarre night in Vermont as Christine Hallquist became the first transgender to win a nomination for governor for a major party. Which party is that? The Democrats, of course! Hallquist, who’s deep voice doesn’t quite match the cute dress, was later being interviewed on CNN. If seeing the man walk around in women’s clothes wasn’t a bit out of the ordinary, then what you see on the video from CNN might be even more startling considering this person is running for governor and now Hallquist has openly admitted that he doesn’t even know what socialism is.

Is this who the Democrats want to become a governor? It’s one thing to not have any political experience, as Hallquist was a former energy company executive, but wouldn’t it be nice if the person who wins the primary can at least explain the basics of one of the most destructive political schemes to exist, one which has clearly ruined places like Venezuela?

Let’s watch the video which was posted on Twitter by CRTV’s account.

“When you’re a Democrat running for Vermont governor and you have no idea what socialism is… ????”

If this isn’t alarming to voters in Vermont, then they better wake up and realize what’s going on here. Anytime someone runs for governor, or any place in the political office, they should always know the basics. You’d think after all these years of Bernie Sanders pushing his bread line and new faces like Ocasio strutting around aimlessly while preaching about socialism, that people would have at least picked up the basics.

Kudos for Hallquist for not knowing it, but maybe going back into his former job might be a better option.

NBC featured an article about Hallquist winning the primary against three other Democrats – one of them being a 14-year-old boy. What kind of carnival act is going on with the Democrats in Vermont that their gubernatorial candidates include a man in a dress and a child? Is this an election coming up or is it the next rendition of American Horror Story?

Maybe it will become the Vermont Horror Story and it’s the horrible suffering of politics and all the voters are stuck living in a nightmare that turns into the next Venezuela.

NBS’s website stated: “Christine Hallquist swept to victory in Tuesday’s crowded gubernatorial primary, besting three other Democrats — including a 14-year-old boy — to become the party’s nominee. She is the first trans person to win a major party’s nomination for governor.

“Tonight we made history, and I’m so honored to be … part of this historical moment,” Hallquist said to a room full of clapping fans at her election-night party in Burlington. “I’m so proud to be the face of the Democrats tonight.”

I think there’s a lot of people happy to see you become the face of the Democrats, as it certainly has turned into quite a bizarre moment in history.

What are the Democrats in Vermont drinking? Is there something in their water?


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