The picture above shows Barron Trump in 2015.

Oh my how much things have changed!

New photos snapped during the funeral of Melania’s mother show just how much Barron now towers over everyone, including President Trump himself, who is not exactly short.

We knew he had been growing but it looks like the growth spurt continues!

Check this out:

Also notice the pure class and dignity.

President Trump raised a WONDERFUL family!

And look at this one!!

And since I know someone will say he’s standing on a step or hill or slope, let’s put that to bed.

Check this one out:

This was from a little while ago:

And I also saw this, which I thought was pretty uncanny:

Here is more, from our last report on Barron:

New Photo Of Barron Trump Just Dropped And He Got Even TALLER

Barron Trump keeps on growing!

A Christmas photo of the Trump family all together was posted on X, but there’s one person who stands out the most, and that’s Donald Trump’s youngest son, Barron Trump.

Barron, in the photo, is seen towering over his father, who stands at  6’3.

Take a look:

As some of you may already know, Trump’s youngest son, Barron, hit a major growth spurt over the last two years, and he is now pushing 7 feet tall.

Barron, for the most part, has been kept away from the public’s eye.

Besides the recent Christmas dinner, photo Barron was spotted in NYC with his mother, Melania.

The two were seen together getting into an SUV in downtown New York.

Just look at how tall he is compared to the man holding the door:

Per The Daily Mail:

Melania Trump was spotted stepping out of Trump Tower on Wednesday with her son Barron.

The former first lady was casually dressed in a green shirt and white pants while 17-year-old Barron was in a suit and tie.

The mom-and-son duo got got into a black SUV while an assistant helped load up several Louis Vuitton bags, worth over $8000, and suit bags featuring the presidential emblem. Secret Service agents were on hand to watch over.

NATIONAL POLL: Are You Happy Melania Replaced Michelle As First Lady?

Here is some of our prior reporting:

Barron Is Now At Least 6’7” Tall!

Have you seen Barron Trump recently?

Dude is TALL!

Some accounts have him at 6’7” tall…

…while others say almost 7’0”.


Here’s a recent video:

These next ones show it even better…

And make it look like 7’0” is probably more accurate:

Barron Trump Is Now Almost 7ft TALL?

There haven’t been many reports about Barron Trump, in the last year or so.

For the most part, Barron has been tucked away and no photos of him have hit the web.

Until now….

A new photo of Barron Trump has emerged and the photo reveals that Barron is now 6’8.

The crazy part about it is he’s just 16 years old.

Take a look at him:

President Trump stands at 6’3 and Melania Trump stands at a solid 5’11, so it’s not too far-fetched that Barron is so tall.

Many users took to Twitter to advocate for Barron to play basketball:

How much taller do you think Barron can grow?

Speaking of Baron, have you seen this?

REVIEW: The Baron Trump Novels | Marked TRUE By Snopes!

REVIEW: The Baron Trump Novels | Marked TRUE By Snopes!

Ok folks, this is where it gets weird.

REALLY weird.

Longtime readers of WeLoveTrump know that we bring you the real news.  No BS.

If we can't establish a story as true, we don't run with it.

Now "true" is not always what the Far-Left Snopes says, but when even the Leftist Snopes agrees with a story as being correct, then you know it's something they can't even deny it with any kind of spin.

You know, kind of like this meme that I love making fun of the Facebook "fact checkers":

Ok, so this is real.

Buckle up.

I don't even know what the odds are for something like this happening, but.....

In 1890, an author named Ingersoll Lockwood published two books called the Baron Trump novels.


That would be odd enough.

But one is titled "The Last President."

In the books, young Baron has a mentor named "Don".

And a lot of action after the election takes place on 5th Avenue in New York City (which is where Trump Tower is located).

I'm not making any of this up.

And that's just the BEGINNING of where it gets weird!

From Wikipedia:

The Baron Trump novels are two children's novels written in 1889 and 1893 by the American author and lawyer Ingersoll Lockwood. They remained obscure until 2017, when they received media attention for perceived similarities between their protagonist and U.S. President Donald Trump.

Lockwood published the first novel, Travels and adventures of Little Baron Trump and his wonderful dog Bulger, in 1889, and its sequel, Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey, in 1893. The novels recount the adventures of the German boy Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp, who goes by "Baron Trump", as he discovers weird underground civilizations, offends the natives, flees from his entanglements with local women, and repeats this pattern until arriving back home at Castle Trump.[1]

The novels were part of a trend in U.S. children's literature that responded to the demand for fantastic adventure stories triggered by Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland (1865). They were, however, indifferently received and did not enter the canon of children's literature.[1] An 1891 reviewer wrote about one of Lockwood's novels: "The author labors through three hundred pages of fantastic and grotesque narrative, now and then striking a spark of wit; but the sparks emit little light and no warmth, and one has to fumble for the story."[2]

In July 2017, the books were rediscovered by Internet forum users, and then the media, who pointed out similarities between the protagonist and U.S. President Donald Trump.[1] Jaime Fuller wrote in Politico that Baron Trump is "precocious, restless, and prone to get in trouble", often mentions his massive brain, and has a personalized insult for most people he meets. Fuller also notes that Baron Trump lives in a building named after himself, "Castle Trump"; while the real-life Donald Trump had lived in Trump Tower for decades. Furthermore, Donald Trump's youngest son is named Barron Trump.[1] Chris Riotta noted in Newsweek that Baron Trump's adventures begin in Russia. Riotta also mentioned another book of Ingersoll's, 1900; or, The Last President, in which New York City is riven by protests following the shock victory of a populist candidate in the 1896 presidential election who brings on the downfall of the American republic.[3][4]

As of July 2017, filmmaker and Trump supporter Leigh Scott was reported to plan a crowdsourcing campaign to produce a feature film adaptation of the Baron Trump novels.[3]

The entire book is archived and available for free here.

Look at the cover even LOOKS like Barron!

It's available on Amazon here.

Even Snopes rates it "Mostly True":

Forget for a moment the seemingly endless series of revelations about the Trump White House’s staffing woes, the Russia investigation, and the Seth Rich conspiracy. A pressing matter, largely ignored by the mainstream media has come up: Is Donald Trump a time traveler?

The question has been circulating on conspiracy theory web sites for several months and is backed by various pieces of “evidence” (such as Donald Trump’s uncle John Trump’s purported relationship with Nikola Tesla). Now a series of books published over century ago is receiving attention for their seemingly all-too-eerie connections to the Trump family. The books, one of which is titled Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey, have been discussed on both reddit and 4chan:

Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey, and 1900: or, The Last President, are indeed real books by writer Ingersoll Lockwood. (We haven’t been able to uncover any evidence proving that Donald Trump and his family have access to a time machine, however).

Both of the books are archived by the Library of Congress and can be read in full on Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey was published in 1893 and 1900: or, The Last President came out a few years later. According to the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Lockwood penned at least one other book about the Baron Trump character, The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar, which was published in 1890.

A July 2017 article in Newsweek noted several prescient-seeming connections, such as the novel’s Russian setting, a character named “Don,” and a “Fifth Avenue Hotel” in New York City, where Trump Tower currently stands:

There are some incredible connections to be made to the first family of the United States and Lockwood’s novels from the turn of the 19th century. For starters, the main character’s name is the same as President Donald Trump’s son, albeit spelt differently. Trump’s adventures begin in Russia, and are guided thanks to directions provided by “the master of all masters,” a man named “Don.”

Before leaving for his voyage through the unknown, Trump is told of his family’s motto: “The pathway to glory is strewn with pitfalls and dangers.”


But by Lockwood’s third novel, The Last President, things become even more eerily linked to the present day.

The story begins with a scene from a panicked New York City in early November, describing a “state of uproar” after the election of an enormously opposed outsider candidate.

“The entire East Side is in a state of uproar,” police officers shouted through the streets, warning city folk to stay indoors for the night. “Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years.”

“The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob,” the novel continues, citing an address in New York City where Trump Tower now stands. “Would the troops be in time to save it?”

Think that's weird?

Still not even getting started.

This video does an amazing job explaining all the details.

Like....who ended up with all of Nikola Tesla's inventions?

Donald Trump's uncle.


It's true.

Please enjoy:

Want more WEIRD Trump family connections?

Here's even more, from Newsweek:

Ingersoll Lockwood, an American political writer, lawyer and novelist, combined a unique mixture of science fiction and fantasy into his novels from the late 1800s. Two of his most popular works of literature were illustrated children’s stories, focusing on a peculiar fictional character whose name rings a bell in 2017: Baron Trump.

Trump, an aristocratically wealthy young man living in Castle Trump, is the protagonist of Lockwood’s first two fictional novels, The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar and Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey. The little boy, who has an unending imagination and “a very active brain,” is bored of the luxurious lifestyle he has grown so accustomed to. In a twist of fate, Trump visits Russia to embark on an extraordinary adventure that will shape the rest of his life.

Lockwood’s final novel arrived in 1896, titled The Last President.

There are some incredible connections to be made to the first family of the United States and Lockwood’s novels from the turn of the 19th century. For starters, the main character’s name is the same as President Donald Trump’s son, albeit spelt differently. Trump’s adventures begin in Russia, and are guided thanks to directions provided by “the master of all masters,” a man named “Don.”

Before leaving for his voyage through the unknown, Trump is told of his family’s motto: “The pathway to glory is strewn with pitfalls and dangers.”

Illustrations from the novels depict Trump dressed in lavish, old-fashioned clothing and jewelry as he departs from Castle Trump and begins his voyage, heading to Russia to locate an entrance into alternate dimensions.

But by Lockwood’s third novel, The Last President, things become even more eerily linked to the present day.The story begins with a scene from a panicked New York City in early November, describing a “state of uproar” after the election of an enormously opposed outsider candidate.

“The entire East Side is in a state of uproar,” police officers shouted through the streets, warning city folk to stay indoors for the night. “Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years.”

“The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob,” the novel continues, citing an address in New York City where Trump Tower now stands. “Would the troops be in time to save it?”

Oh, and have you seen Baron recently?

Barron Trump Is Now Pushing 7ft TALL

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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