Before U.S. Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) was elected in 2018, she was embroiled in a sexual relationship with her 22-year-old female, campaign aide, and her husband. Recent, disturbing photos of the US congresswoman, who once attacked a veteran on social media for his “hateful rhetoric” on social media, that reportedly included a KKK symbol, reveal a Nazi symbol tattooed above her right thigh in her groin area.

The silence from the media about this shocking discovery is deafening…

The Daily Mail reports – Shocking photographs of Democrat Katie Hill posing naked with a tattoo of what appears to be a Nazi-era Iron Cross on her bikini line while smoking a bong and making out with her young female aide have been obtained exclusively by

Hill’s wild lifestyle has been laid bare in a cache of texts and intimate photographs obtained by, as sources revealed Hill and her husband, Kenny Heslep also posted her naked photos online under a thread called ‘WouldYouF**kMyWife.’

One of the most scandalous photographs, shows a naked Hill holding a giant bong filled with a murky brown liquid.

Katie Hill, 32, has been seen in a series of shocking photographs obtained exclusively by One of the most scandalous photographs, shows a naked Hill holding a giant bong filled with a murky brown liquid, taken on September 11, 2017. On her bikini line is a tattoo of a Nazi-era Iron Cross

Metadata from the picture reveals it was taken on 9/11 in 2017 before marijuana was legalized for recreational consumption in California.

It is unclear whether the congresswoman had a medical license for the drug at the time.

The picture also shows an iron cross tattoo on Hill’s pubic area, similar to the symbols formerly used by white supremacists referencing a World War II Nazi medal.

The tattoo could open the congresswoman to accusations of hypocrisy.

She has criticized racist Facebook posts that included a similar-looking cross, posted by a Santa Clarita veteran who was featured in her political rival’s campaign adverts last year

The veteran, David Brayton, posted racist memes on his Facebook page, including the KKK insignia of a ‘blood cross’, a similar shape to the iron cross.

Hill called out the veteran at the time, saying the posts left her ‘deeply disturbed’ and that his ‘hateful rhetoric’ helped fuel ‘violence across America’.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) references in its hate symbols database that the iron cross symbol goes back to the 19th century, including on medals for the German Empire.

It was later adopted by Nazis for their medals, putting a swastika in the middle of the cross.

The congresswoman, 32, was also pictured naked brushing the young woman’s hair, who can identity as Morgan Desjardins, 24, from Santa Clarita, California.

Desjardins began a relationship with Hill and Heslep shortly after she started working for Hill in 2017 before the three-way affair broke down this summer when Hill told both her husband and her lover that she wanted to focus on her work.

In a letter to her constituents on Wednesday, Hill admitted the relationship with Desjardins (pictured with Hill and Helsep in December 2018 while rock climbing)

The congresswoman, 32, was also pictured kissing her female staffer, who can identity as 24-year-old Morgan Desjardins from Santa Clarita, California

Hill and her husband, Kenny Heslep started a relationship with Desjardins in late 2017 when she was 22, shortly before the Democrat hired her as a campaign aide, a source close to the three claimed. Other pictures show the women hugging each other in a kitchen while both dressed in pajamas.

Texts and photos between Hill, Heslep (pictured with Hill) and Desjardins, obtained by, reveal that the three-way relationship was steamy at first, but ended with the congresswoman leaving her two lovers ‘high and dry’ after moving to Washington DC

Katie Hill and her husband, Kenny Heslop.

In a text to her husband (pictured), Hill writes that she will ‘continue to pay the bills and the mortgage’ for him. ‘I hope you know that my intent was never to leave you high and dry. I simply was trying to separate things since I was moving out,’ she wrote.

Another set of images obtained but not published by shows Hill and Desjardins inside a steamy shower, embracing and kissing each other.

But sex between members of the campaign team did not stop there.

In text messages to Heslep, Desjardins revealed that after the breakup, she slept with another of the congresswoman’s aides during a romantic weekend at a hotel in Santa Barbara.

And in posts on his Facebook page earlier this month, the estranged husband accused his wife of having an affair with her campaign finance director, Graham Kelly, allegedly cheating on him and the other aide for a year of their throuple relationship.

Hill is also accused of having a separate affair with her campaign finance director, Graham Kelly.  Pictured: Hill with Desjardins and Kelly in June of 2018

‘Why has she been sleeping with her (male) finance director for the past year at least?’ he wrote, accusing his wife of ‘being with her husband (me) for almost 15 years and then leaving me for another MAN, not woman, whom she is still seeing’.

Heslep also posted a screenshot of texts from a former videographer for Hill’s campaign, Jeff Bomberger, admitting to the estranged husband that he knew about the alleged affair with Kelly.

‘Allegations that I have been involved in a relationship with Mr. Kelly are absolutely false,’ Hill said in a statement to website Politico.

If this story was about a Republican Congresswoman, would it front-page news on every major publication? Why is the media hiding this story? Why are Hill’s fellow Democrat lawmakers silent about the shocking revelations? Why do Democrats involved in scandals get a pass from the media? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.


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