A new six-in-one vaccine for children has hit the market. And Dr. Shannon Kroner, author of “I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK!” and executive director of Freedom of Religion – United Solutions (FOR-US), has the goods on what the new shot contains and entails for America’s children.

Article by Ethan Huff, republished with permission from Naturalnews.com

The jab is known as VAXELIS and it is the first-ever six-in-one vaccine shot, requiring no additional mixing or reconstituting. Its manufacturer, Sanofi Pasteur Limited, and its distributor, Merck Sharp & Dohne Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., claim it is “preservative free,” but as Dr. Kroner explains, the shot’s ingredients are still highly toxic.

One of the main ingredients in VAXELIS is aluminum, a known neurotoxin used in many childhood vaccines. There is also polysorbate 80, a known carcinogen that triggers inflammation in the gut.

VAXELIS also contains glutaraldehyde, a toxin that triggers respiratory problems, as well as formaldehyde, a known carcinogen used in cadaver embalming. Bovine serum from cow blood is also found in VAXELIS, along with:

  • Neomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic
  • Streptomycin, another aminoglycoside antibiotic
  • Polymyxin B, an antibiotic
  • Ammonium thiocyanate, a chemical used in the manufacturing of crop herbicides

(Related: If you have ever taken a vaccine, studies show that you are more likely to suffer from diseases of the ear and blood, as well as hair loss.)

Children expected to take six-in-one VAXELIS three times for a total of 18 vaccines

One particularly disturbing aspect to VAXELIS and its prescribed use is that drug manufacturers want each child to take the six-in-one shot three separate times: the first at two months, the second at four months and the third at six months.

This means that every child who receives VAXELIS will receive a total of 18 vaccines (three times six, or 6+6+6=18) by the time he or she reaches six months of age. That is a lot of vaccines in a very short period of time.

As of June 2023, the government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has logged a total of 501 adverse events associated with VAXELIS.

One of the marketing ploys being used to push VAXELIS on parents is to pretend as though the shot, which covers diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis, hepatitis B and invasive disease due to Haemophilus, comes as a single shot, even though each shot contains six different vaccines.

A media report out of Australia further brands the shot as “a one-step job,” calling it “new” and “easy to use.”

Australia’s National Immunization Program has already added VAXELIS to its childhood vaccine schedule, with the aforementioned media report claiming that the shot was “designed to avoid preparation errors and cut time for busy GPs (general practitioners) and other providers.”

VAXELIS is being pushed as an alternative to the currently listed Infanrix hexa shots from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which also covers the same six conditions but that requires an extra step of reconstituting a pre-filled syringe and a freeze-dried pellet.

“Where a dose of hepatitis B vaccine is given at birth, Vaxelis can be used for supplementary doses of hepatitis B vaccine from the age of six weeks,” the product information sheet for VAXELIS states.

“If a second dose of hepatitis B vaccine is required before this age, monovalent hepatitis B vaccine should be used. Vaxelis can be used for a mixed hexavalent/pentavalent/hexavalent combined vaccine immunization schedule.”

Because of the serious risks involved with taking VAXELIS, children with uncontrolled neurological disorders, epilepsy, or a history of allergic reaction or encephalopathy to components of the injection, especially for whooping cough vaccines, should not take the shot, according to reports.

The latest news about childhood vaccines can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:





ONE Simple Hack to Detox from the COVID Vaccine

270,000,000 Americans received the COVID-19 shot, with disastrous results.

Beyond the millions who reported severe adverse reactions to the shot to the CDC, tens of millions more have reported prolonged negative symptoms that they just can’t seem to shake off:

  • Brain fog

  • Loss of appetite

  • Anxiety & depression

  • Constant tiredness

  • Joint pain

  • Reproductive problems

  • Digestive issues

Sadly, millions of Americans are living with post-vaccine symptoms and accepting them as a new reality. It doesn’t have to be this way. While government health agencies refuse to acknowledge the issue of vaccine damage to the body, freedom-fighting doctors are stepping up to restore health and save lives.

Don’t normalize sickness.

Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and America’s leading COVID-19 expert, treats hundreds of patients in his clinic with a wide range post-vaccine symptoms. Like millions of others, these patients refuse to “normalize” their symptoms and will stop at nothing to get their health back.

Says Dr. McCullough:

“Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: ‘how do I get this out of my body?’… At three and one half years into the pandemic and two and a half years into the COVID-19 vaccine debacle, myself and my clinic partners formulated a baseline regimen upon which additional drugs or agents can be added.”

A simple solution.

Dr. McCullough continues,

“We searched the literature for all available sources of evidence for products that can aid the human body in breaking down and catabolizing the Spike protein. We found nattokinase, which additionally has fibrinolytic properties which are advantageous in the prothrombotic milieu induced by the persistent Spike protein…

 Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.”

 This groundbreaking discovery catalyzed Dr. McCullough to design The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase. To-date, tens of thousands of people have tried Spike Support and the results have been nothing short of miraculous:

Feeling so much better! I decided to try Spike Support after talking with a friend that recommended this product. I had 2 Covid shots because my husband has degenerative heart condition and our doctor said to get the shots. He had no side effects but I ended up with an erratic racing heart beat and had problem with ringing ears, tasting and smelling, even though I never had Covid. I have taken this product for 2 months now and noticed a difference in lots of things. No more racing heart beat, I’m smelling and tasting things better and my anxiety has subsided. – Audrey H.

 Worked for me: I have taken three of the mRNA vaxxes – I’ll never take another one again. The skin on my hands peeled after the 3rd vax, especially around my nails, to the point where I had deep, bleeding, incredibly painful fissures and cracks… I am sure the vax is what caused my skin problems as well – I’d never had this before being vaxxed. Bought the Spike Support as a desperate measure. Noticed about three weeks after I started taking Spike Support, the peeling, cracks and fissures around my fingertips, and under and around my nails have not only stopped but healed up. My hands are 95% better now. I am sure the Spike Support is what stopped it. – Barbara B.

 Spike protein recovery: This product has tremendously help me on recovering my heath and I highly recommend this product anyone that has long Covid or in the vaccine. – Estela M.

If you or someone you love needs nattokinase, The Wellness Company’s “Spike Support Formula” contains nattokinase plus other extracts known to help the body detox from spike protein exposure – both from the vaccine and from COVID19.

In The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula you will find:

  • Nattokinase (dissolves spike protein)

  • Selenium (aids in helping the body repair itself and recover)

  • Dandelion root (acts as a detoxifying agent supporting better liver function)

  • Black sativa extract (may facilitate cellular repair)

  • Green tea extract (provides added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals)

  • Irish sea moss (could help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle)

On The Wellness Company’s website, you will see that purchasing all the individual components of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100. You save 36% with the unique formulation of The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula.

Click here to order the Spike Support Formula today.

(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like our trusted partners in this article and ordering through the links in this article, which benefits WLTReport. We appreciate your support and the opportunity to help you stay HEALTHY!)



We Were RIGHT About Ivermectin From Day One!



In a 180 degree flip-flop a politician would be jealous of, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now admits doctors can prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

Yes, really.

During the COVID-19 plandemic, the FDA did everything possible to prevent doctors from prescribing the antiviral to treat COVID-19.

The corrupt agency compared people seeking ivermectin to horses.


The federal government, mainstream media, Big Tech, and pharmacies created numerous barriers to prevent COVID-19 patients from obtaining ivermectin for treatment.

After millions of Americans lined up to take the experimental COVID-19 shots, the FDA changed course to say doctors can prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19.

According to The Epoch Times, the “‘FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,’ Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.”

From The Epoch Times:

The government is defending the FDA’s repeated exhortations to people to not take ivermectin for COVID-19, including a post that said “Stop it.”

The case was brought by three doctors who allege the FDA unlawfully interfered with their practice of medicine with the statements. A federal judge dismissed the case in 2022, prompting an appeal.

“The fundamental issue in this case is straightforward. After the FDA approves the human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no,” Jared Kelson, representing the doctors, told the appeals court.

The FDA explicitly stated that ivermectin “isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19.”

However, the agency attempted to excuse its corruption.

“FDA made these statements in response to multiple reports of consumers being hospitalized, after self medicating with ivermectin intended for horses, which is available for purchase over the counter without the need for prescription,” Honold said.

In an interview with Maria Bartiromo, Senator Ron Johnson described the destruction caused by the actions of the FDA.

“The doctors I’ve been dealing with and talking to for yours now, they believe that probably hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives because they were denied early treatment,” Johnson said.

“And they were denied it because the FDA sabotaged, for example, ivermectin. And they said, come on, you all, you’re not a cow, you’re not a horse. You know, this is supposedly horse medicine. No, this was a Nobel Prize-winning medicine that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.”


Read more from the court exchange from The Epoch Times:

Ms. Honold said that the FDA didn’t purport to require anyone to do anything or to prohibit anyone from doing anything.

“What about when it said, ‘No, stop it’?” Circuit Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod, on the panel that is hearing the appeal, asked. “Why isn’t that a command? If you were in English class, they would say that was a command.”

Ms. Honold described the statements as “merely quips.”

“Can you answer the question, please? Is that a command, ‘Stop it’?” Judge Elrod asked.

“In some contexts, those words could be construed as a command,” Ms. Honold said. “But in this context, where FDA was simply using these words in the context of a quippy tweet meant to share its informational article, those statements do not rise to the level of a command.”

The statements “don’t prohibit doctors from prescribing ivermectin to treat COVID or for any other purpose” Ms. Honold said. She noted that the FDA, along with the statements, said that people should consult their health care providers about COVID-19 treatments and that they could take medicine if it was prescribed by the provider.

“FDA is clearly acknowledging that doctors have the authority to prescribe human ivermectin to treat COVID. So they are not interfering with the authority of doctors to prescribe drugs or to practice medicine,” she said.

We actually told you all of this YEARS ago!

Our reporting has been spot on from Day 1, nice to see the FDA catching up to us, but very sad it took so long.

Here is one of our prior reports:

CONFIRMED: The True Story of Ivermectin Now Coming Out!

I continue to bring you the REAL news about Ivermectin….

Real, unfiltered news with no bias.

Just the facts, ma’am!

Like this one for example:

Two Separate Doctors Claim OVER 100 Members of Congress Treated With Ivermectin!

Anyone else mad yet?

But here’s the deal…

Now the FDA is backtracking big time, trying to claim they never said you couldn’t take Ivermectin.

Yes, really…hard to even believe!

But it’s true, look at this:

And this:

They knew all along:


In fact, some studies are now showing it MIGHT be highly effective at destroying cancer:

Catturd right again:

A wave of truth is coming out:

Here is Dr. Peter McCullough:

Just remember we told you the TRUTH all along…

They didn’t want you to see this but we showed you from Day 1!

Watch it here on Rumble:

Remember this disclaimer:

I am not a doctor.  I am not giving you medical advice.  I’m a REPORTER.  I research and I report and I give you the full story open and honestly so YOU can decide.

Now let’s go to another video.

This woman below documented her own journey with Ivermectin on video.

She starts off looking not so good but makes a swift turnaround in just a few days.

This is not me talking, listen to her share and document her own story….

Here is the video from Rumble:

Now let’s talk about the MSM disinformation campaign, which is a nice way of saying “outright lies and propaganda”.

Look, I will give you one disclaimer before we get started:  I am a journalist and not anyone with any medical expertise.  I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving medical advice.  

I’m just presenting you with the results of my research that the MSM really seems to want to hide….

And I know how to do my research.

So let’s start with this:

Now let’s unpack all the lies the MSM has been telling you about Ivermectin.

You would assume based on all the MSM propaganda that Ivermectin is only approved for Horses and not Humans.

The only problem with that?

It’s not true.

Not even close.

Here’s the real truth:

Yes folks, that is a statement taken from PolitiFact’s very own fact-checking page about Ivermectin.

But what they do with their “Face Check” is so insidious….

Here’s how PolitiFact tries to claim that the TRUE statement is still somehow false, watch these mental gymnastics:

This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

It is true that ivermectin was approved by the Food and Drug Administration that year — but not to treat the coronavirus. The drug was approved for strongyloidiasis, a disease caused by a roundworm, and onchocerciasis, or river blindness, which is caused by a parasitic worm.

The drug was approved for humans under the brand name Stromectol, National Geographic reported, and since then it’s been recognized as a safe treatment for several tropical diseases caused by parasites. In 2015, two scientists even won a Nobel Prize for their discovery of ivermectin and its use to treat diseases caused by parasites.

But unlike, say, river blindness, COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus, not by parasites. And as PolitiFact recently reported in a story exploring ivermectin, there’s no conclusive evidence that ivermectin is effective against COVID-19.

The lying and the deception is just so evil, really makes me angry.

If you gave me a full year, I couldn’t come up with all the twists and turns these people take to turn the TRUTH into a lie.

It’s sickening.

But we’re just getting started.

Next come the scare tactics and VERY misleading headlines.

Like this article from WIVB Channel 4 News:

After a recent resurgence in several states, health officials are warning residents to be aware of a dangerous of an unauthorized “treatment” for COVID-19 — often being taken with dangerous consequences.

It’s called ivermectin and it’s used to treat and prevent parasites in animals, the Food and Drug Administration explains. The tablets are not FDA approved for treatment of COVID-19 in humans and isn’t even an anti-viral drug — meaning it has no impact on the coronavirus. And because the large-concentration tablets are intended for large animals, these can be treacherous for humans.

In addition to not being authorized for treatment, there’s no evidence ivermectin treats COVID-19.

“There’s a lot of misinformation around, and you may have heard that it’s okay to take large doses of ivermectin. That is wrong.”

The FDA and several state officials say they’ve seen an uptick in calamitous use of the drugs, particularly tablets used to treat parasitic worms in horses. While ivermectin is approved for humans to treat certain skin conditions (rosacea) and certain external parasites like head lice, the FDA warns this ivermectin is different than the one used in animals.

On Friday, the Mississippi Department of Health was forced to send out a warning to residents about the dangers of the drug after several poisonings.

The Mississippi Poison Control Center said at least 70% of recent ivermectin-related calls are tied to people taking livestock or animal formulations they bought a livestock supply stores or through online markets.

Eighty-five percent of callers had mild symptoms — these include rash, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain — but one person needed evaluation because of how much they’d taken.

More severe dangers of ivermectin ingestion include neurologic disorders, seizures, coma and death.

Use of ivermectin should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor for an FDA-approved use. Regardless of the usage and prescription, the FDA warns ivermectin overdose is still possible. Possible interaction with other medications is also a possibility.

I highlighted the key parts.

A 70% SURGE in Ivermectin Poison Center calls sounds like a lot doesn’t it?

NPR even reports a 245% surge!  Oh my!

Sounds bad until you realize according to NPR that the 245% surge is going from 133 calls to 459 calls….NATIONWIDE!

According to the National Poison Data System (NPDS), which collects information from the nation’s 55 poison control centers, there was a 245% jump in reported exposure cases from July to August — from 133 to 459.

Yes folks, out of 333 MILLION people, there were 459 calls to poison centers.

So 0.00000137% of the population.

And those are just calls.

According to the bold part of the Channel 4 article, 85% of those people who called or had symptoms had MILD symptoms like a rash.

The horror!

According to the article, only ONE person needed a further evaluation.

But is this what you hear in the MSM?


If you listed only to the MSM fear-porn, you’d think we had a crisis of Ivermectin deaths.

The truth is the polar opposite.

Anyone else REALLY tired of being lied to?

It’s why I’m here.

I will continue to shout the truth from the rooftops!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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