Ukraine’s President Zelensky is becoming increasingly desperate as the U.S. has slowed aid to Ukraine as the war in Israel takes priority.

More reports show that Ukraine is NOT winning the war as was once believed.

Now Zelesnky is practically on his hands and knees, begging the U.S. to send more aid in a new video.

Watch it here:

This guy sounds like one of those scammers who call you on the phone demanding money.

It’s over for Ukraine; they must begin peace talks with Russia.

How would Ukraine pay off a line of credit to the United States?

They can’t. That’s the simple answer.

Zelesnky has gotten so desperate that he invited President Trump to come to Ukraine.

The New York Post has more on that story:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky extended an invitation to Donald Trump to come visit, while stressing his war-torn nation needs at least one more year of heavy US support.

Trump has long crowed that he could end the war in 24 hours if he becomes president, but Zelensky gently suggested he would disabuse the former president of that notion.

“I invite President Trump if he can come here. I will need 24 minutes…to explain [to] President Trump that he can’t manage this war, that he can’t bring peace because of Putin,” Zelensky told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday.

“If he’s not ready to give our territory for this terrible man,” Zelensky went on, “if you’re not ready to give our independence…he’s very welcome.”

Zelensky noted that he hasn’t had any contact with Trump since the latter departed the White House and conceded he doesn’t know if the former president would have Ukraine’s back.

President Trump has already declined Zelesnky’s offer, stating it would be a ‘conflict of interest.’

Now, Zelesnky claims they will not be holding an election because it’s “not the right time for elections.”

Anyone could have seen this coming from miles away.

Zelesnky is nothing more than another corrupt leader who is pocketing the foreign aid that the U.S. supplies while real Ukrainian men and women continue to die in this pointless conflict.

The Hill has more on Zelesnky’s decline to hold an election:

Zelensky argued in his Monday video address that Ukraine should not have to deal with elections as it continues to attempt to fend off Russia, which invaded Ukraine in February 2022. He previously had not ruled out Ukraine holding a presidential contest next year, though elections are currently suspended in the country under martial law.

“And finally, the waves of any politically divisive things must stop,” he said Monday. “We must realize that now is the time of defense, the time of the battle that determines the fate of the state and people, not the time of manipulations, which only Russia expects from Ukraine. I believe that now is not the right time for elections.”

“And if we need to put an end to a political dispute and continue to work in unity, there are structures in the state that are capable of putting an end to it and giving society all the necessary answers. So that there is no room left for conflicts and someone else’s game against Ukraine,” he said.

Nobody in the United States wants to continue sending money to Ukraine.

Everyone either wants to conserve our money and invest it into our own country or send more aid to Israel.

We need to utilize that money for our own country.

Our country is falling apart while these foreign countries are raking in billions from U.S. foreign aid.


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