Democrat New York Gov. Kathy Hochul provided a troubling message for individuals who received the previous experimental COVID-19 shots.

Hochul said the old COVID-19 shots won’t work against new variants.

“Tell everybody don’t rely on the fact that you had a vaccine in the past, it will not help you this time around,” Hochul said.


“I know everyone wants to be done with COVID, but COVID is not done with us,” she added.

“By the end of this week, New Yorkers will be able to get a new vaccine,” she continued.

“I will be getting my vaccine very soon,” Hochul said.

“This news is coming at a perfect time, my team just got off a call with the FDA confirming the COVID vaccine is on its way to New York,” she continued.

“The updated vaccine guards against the newer COVID strains because it was built off the Omicron XXB1.5 variant,” she added.

“We’re waiting to find out what age groups the FDA and CDC are recommending should get the shot,” she continued.

“In this case, they literally recommended that everyone six months and older should get a shot,” she noted.

You only need one, no more double doses, and again, this will be starting here in New York on Friday,” she added.

Watch Hochul’s full address:

The Pharma-captured FDA and CDC approved the new experimental COVID-19 injections with essentially no human safety data.

The FDA declared an “emergency use” for individuals ages six months to 11 years.

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On the other hand, the CDC recommended the shots for everyone six months of age and older.

JUST IN: CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Shots

However, not every public health official is on board with the latest COVID-19 shots.

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo said to avoid the newest mRNA injections, saying “there’s been no clinical trial showing that it is a safe product for people.”

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“CDC & FDA continue to push COVID vaccines that are not backed by clinical evidence, but blind faith alone with ZERO regard for widespread immunity. The American people deserve the truth, but the Biden admin only wants to control your behavior,” Ladapo said Wednesday.

In related news, former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci finally admitted the experimental COVID-19 injections can cause myocarditis.

Anthony Fauci Now Admits Vaccines Cause Myocarditis!

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