It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that Americans are sick and tired of watching NFL players disrespect our national anthem, or taking a knee as a way to join forces with Black Lives Matter to push an anti-law-enforcement narrative. Most of all,  it’s about men and women who previously watched NFL games as a way to escape the stress of their everyday lives, who are unwilling to support teams who put progressive activism before the game.

Since the Colin Kaepernick and his fellow players started their Black Lives Matter kneeling campaign, social media has been lit up with photos of empty stadiums, proving that fans are not interested in supporting players who disrespect our flag and our law enforcement officers. The photos seem to suggest that every week more and more seats remain empty in NFL stadiums across America. Here’s a look at a number of NFL stadiums today:

Check out this photo of the Cleveland Browns stadium:

The Lions games in neighboring Chicago are always very popular…not so much today.

Empty seats in the “smallest modern stadium in the NFL”, Chicago’s Soldier Field are a rare sight indeed, especially when the visiting team is right next door in Michigan.

The Minnesota Viking stadium looks like their hosting a local high school game instead of a professional football team.

You could’ve shot a cannot through the NY Giants stadium today.

It almost looks like it’s a practice day in Cleveland.

Texans fans must have started their Christmas shopping early and decided to skip the game today.

The Miami stadium seats are mostly empty.

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