Hey, Noah here and I like to spend my day COVERING the News…

But right now I have to put a pause on that and ask for your help.

Don’t worry, it’s FREE!

But I do need your help please, if you don’t mind.

Is that ok with you?

I’ll keep it brief, but I just got word that Big Tech is doing some really serious censorship against us again.

Gee, is it an election year already?

Of course it is!

Less than one year to go before the big 2024 Presidential Election and suddenly they’ve just clamped down again on our ability to get the TRUTH out!

Here’s what’s happening…

We have hundreds of thousands of people who have signed up to receive our daily email Newsletter alerts.


Because they like to be informed about the TRUE news and they trust us to bring it to them.

Unfortunately, Big Tech thinks they know better than YOU do and even if you signed up (it’s FREE by the way, Sign Up Here) to receive our Email Newsletters, Big Tech is deciding you don’t really need to see them!

So they bury them in a couple different places.

The first is your Spam or Junk folders.

The second, if your are a Gmail user, we just learned they are putting us in your “Promotions” folder.

Here’s the thing….no one ever checks the “Promotions” tab, so it might as well be the Spam/Junk folder!

But…we can fight back.

And if enough of us all do it together, at the same time, we can “override” their algorithm.

1️⃣ First, please go to your email program and look in your Spam/Junk folder. 

See if you can find any emails from me.

Just look for:



Daily Trump Report

100 Percent Fed Up

If you see any of those, right click and look for an option that says something like “Whitelist” or “Not Junk” or “Never Junk” or “Never Block” or “Move to Inbox”.  Any of those should work.

Please do it for any and all that you find, the more you mark as Safe, the more impact we will have.

PLUS….it should definitely help your specific email so they land in your Inbox the next time!

2️⃣ Second, we’re going to do the same thing for the Promotions Tab.

Here’s what it looks like and here are some examples of what you are looking for:

You’re looking for the same things:



Daily Trump Report

100 Percent Fed Up

When you find any of those, drag them over to the “Primary” tab, which is just to the left of the “Promotions” tab.

That will make such a big difference if everyone helps out.


By the way, those examples I posted up above are from my own Gmail account.

How hilarious is that?

How poetically wrong is that?

They’re my Newsletters sent to me….and Big Tech thinks I shouldn’t get to see them.

Well, they’re about to find out from 5+ million readers each month that when we sign up to receive a Newsletter, it means we want to see it….in our Inbox!  Not some stupid “Promotions” tab!

Thank you in advance for all of your help.

We truly can reshape their precious little “algo” and get this fixed if everyone helps out.

And maybe set yourself a reminder to go in and check every once-in-a-while.

I have a feeling this is the kind of thing that will need some “maintenance”.

That’s ok, we can do it!


And I will see you in the INBOX soon enough!


This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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