Rep. Ocasio-Cortez continues to entertain Americans with her outrageous comments about the ‘Green New Deal’ that would cost a whopping $7 trillion. The latest is a doozy and concerns the left’s obsession with reducing methane gas aka ‘cow farts’.

The video below could pass for a skit on Saturday Night Live. She was asked about farting cows during an appearance on Showtime’s series “Desus and Mero:

“In the deal, what we talk about is, it’s true, is that we need to take a look at factory farming, period. It’s wild…And so, it’s not to say you get rid of agriculture. It’s not to say we’re going to force everybody to go vegan or anything crazy like that. But it’s to say, listen, we’ve got to address factory farming.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t be eating a hamburger for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Like, let’s keep it real.”

Yes, the left is concerned about “farting cows” and they want you to eat fewer burgers. The original document released by Ocasio-Cortez’ office included a statement about “farting cows”.


No more milk and no more chocolate???

Somehow, some way, the left always manages to find a way to suck the fun out of just about every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s the chocolate Easter bunny, an iconic symbol of the most important Christian holiday of the year, or simply enjoying a t-bone steak on the grill with a group of friends, there always seems to be some sort of environment danger looming, that’s caused by the intentional bad behavior of humans. According to the left, humans, and not God, are either causing massive swings in the temperature and are constantly being reminded of ways they can eliminate the necessities, as well as the things they enjoy from life to correct their deadly errors.

The Washington Times is reporting that consumers need to beware of the chocolate Easter bunny, and those foil-wrapped chocolate eggs. Both could be “bad for the environment” warns a new study, which says that such confections can damage the environment.

Researchers at The University of Manchester in England have identified “the carbon footprint of chocolate and its other environmental impacts,” analyzing such factors as ingredients, manufacturing processes, packaging, and waste.

Yes, cow gas emissions are cited in the research, which was released Friday.

The researchers estimate that the British chocolate industry alone produces about over 2 tons of greenhouse gases a year — as much as a large city.

“Most of us love chocolate, but don’t often think of what it takes to get from cocoa beans to the chocolate products we buy,” said Adisa Azapagic, director of Sustainable Industrial Systems and a professor within the School of Chemical Engineering & Analytical Science on the campus.

The study noted that cocoa is cultivated in West Africa along with Central and South America, and travels many miles before it reaches a factory and leaving a sizable carbon footprint. Then there is the gas factor.

“It’s not only the cocoa — it’s also the milk powder used to make milk chocolates. Its production is very energy intensive, plus dairy cows produce significant greenhouse gas emissions per liter of milk produced. This all adds to the environmental impacts of chocolate,” the study said.

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