Outspoken black conservative Candace Owens ignited a fire when she responded to Black Lives Matter activist in the audience at UCLA during her “Exposing Leftist Lies and Progressive Propaganda Tour” with Turning Point USA President Charlie Kirk. During her discussion with students, Owens was confronted by Black Lives Matter activists in the audience. From their seats in the auditorium, the activists attempted to shut her down and shame Owens for not buying into the Democrat Party’s views that include the lie about liberals being “tolerant” of others. The now viral video of Owens telling the Black Lives Matter activist that they are not victims or slaves and that their grandparents weren’t slaves either, really struck a chord with a lot of Americans.  Owens explained to the activists that they have a choice between seeing themselves as “victims” or “victors” and the choice they make about how they see themselves will affect the outcome of their future. Owens ended her brutally honest response to the group by reminding them that they “are not living through anything right now”, but instead, are “overly privileged Americans”.

Kanye West responded to her video, by tweeting: “I love the way Candace Owens thinks”


Condoleezza RiceRice, the first black female Secretary of State, appeared on Fox News’ “Mornings with Maria” with Maria Bartiromo, and was asked her about the negative response from the left to the recent Kanye West controversy.  Rice responded, “First of all, I haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about it,” Rice responded. “But I can say, people ought to be able to express their views. Not all of us have to think politically the same way. I’ve said to people sometimes, ‘You know, I’ve been black all my life. You don’t have to tell me how to be black.’”

“I think we need to recognize that in some ways the height of prejudice is to look at somebody and think you know what they think because of the color of their skin,” Rice told Bartiromo.


“I hope we get to the point that people get to express their views and you can agree with them or disagree with them,” she added. “That, after all, is what it really means to be American is to have the ability to say what you think.”

Rice continued to dispel the myth that all professors are liberal, telling Bartiromo: “You know I teach at Stanford and I have students who come from a wide variety of political views. I always say to them, ‘Look, it’s not my job to tell you what to think. It’s my job to teach you how to hone your arguments, how to be disciplined in what you argue, not to be sloppy in what you’re thinking.’”


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