The NHL was our last hope.

The NFL was the first professional team to fall when Colin Kaepernick made it cool to kneel on the field while our national anthem was being played. The NBA was quick to jump on the woke train, followed by the MLB. The NHL eventually joined the woke professional sports teams, as the Minnesota Wild’s Matt Dumba, one of only three black players, was heralded by the Left for kneeling while the national anthem was being played.

For the most part, the NHL has remained silent about pushing an LGBTQ narrative on their fans. Three days ago, that changed, when the official NHL Twitter account praised women playing on a men’s hockey team.

“The NHL is proud to support this past weekend’s Team Trans Draft Tournament in Middleton, Wisconsin. This was the first tournament comprised entirely of transgender and nonbinary players, with around 80 folks participating!” the NHL tweeted.

Fans who were upset by the NHL’s tweet immediately responded, and they are not happy!

“So, men playing on womans teams” “Code” asked.

Another NHL fan responded:

I cancelled my NHLNetwork and haven’t watched a single NHL gamer since they went full in #BLM and called all of us racists, even guys like me who coached and mentored young minorities on the ice. The NHL is dead to me. It quit being about hockey years ago.

“Daughter of King” blasted the NHL for sticking their noses into a social issue that they should have been smart enough to steer clear of:

“Should have stopped at your original post. Don’t think anyone needs to be preached to by a sports league with nonfactual information about something not related to the sport.”

“The new NHL locker room,” S. Rogers posted with an image of women urinating in a men’s bathroom.

Another stupid move by a professional sports team that clearly doesn’t know their base…

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