US Border Agents and local law enforcement gave these journalists permission to be there. But Obama’s Federal Wildlife Officers had different plans for journalists, who attempted to expose the danger Obama’s radical open-border policies pose to America’s national security…

Federal Wildlife Officers? 

Infowars reporters were detained and disarmed by federal agents Wednesday while reporting near the Texas-Mexico border.
Following the encounter, Infowars Joe Biggs explained how he and Michael Zimmermann were disarmed after the pair were taken into custody alongside fellow reporter Alejandra.

“We just got out of federal custody… we’ve been there for 2 hours,” Biggs said.

Despite previously getting approval from both border patrol and law enforcement to be in the area, federal wildlife officers – known to be Obama’s attack dogs on the border – ordered the crew to put their hands up after encountering them filming a report.

After being questioned for hours, Biggs and Zimmermann were told by federal officers that they would need to pay $230 each in order to receive their firearms back. The trio were also charged with misdemeanor criminal trespassing and threatened with felony charges if they returned to the area.

Despite being told that the area was off-limits to the public, investigation into the location reveals the exact opposite to be true.

Only hours earlier an entirely separate law enforcement group told the reporters that they would have to leave a different part of the border as well. Via: InfoWars


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