Biden Senior Advisor Cedric Richmond just announced a push for Black reparations saying, “we are going to start acting now.” Richmond told “Axios on HBO” that the Biden administration won’t wait for Congress to act. Last March, Biden said “cash payments” for reparations should be looked into (see video below).

Richmond mentioned free college tuition at historically Black colleges and universities as a part of reparations:

“If you start talking about free college tuition to and you start talking about free community college in Title I and all of those things, I think that you are well on your way.”

The big question is why people who never owned slaves are being punished for something that happened long ago. Also, how will the commission decide who pays and how much they pay?

Black conservatives like Larry Elder and Herschel Walker denounced the effort by the Biden administration. Elder made a good point when he said, “Figuring out who owes what is going to be a hell of an achievement.”

Candace Owens spoke out on reparations in 2019 during testimony before the House Committee on Hate Crimes and White Nationalism:

Last March, Joe Biden promoted reparations:

Instagram celebrity Judith Nwandu interviewed Joe Biden during a campaign stop. He pandered to the black voter by saying he believes it’s a good idea to study whether “cash payments” should be given to blacks for slavery reparations.

Nwandu posted a comment on Instagram asking for questions to ask Biden:

The interview below:

NFL Great Burgess Owens has an opposing view that’s brilliant:

As liberals attempt to push the idea of reparations for black Americans, most Americans are smart enough to see through their scheme to use taxpayer dollars as a way to gain votes from them in the upcoming 2020 election.

A Fox News poll in April found that 60 percent of Americans oppose paying cash reparations to descendants of slaves, while just 32 percent support it. A Rasmussen poll in the same month found that just 21 percent of likely voters think taxpayers should pay reparations to black Americans who can prove they are descended from slaves.

Black Americans have taken part in a massive awakening since President Trump was elected in 2016. Trump has done what no other Republican before him had the courage to do, he’s pulled back the curtain on the self-serving Democrats and exposed the dirty tactics they’ve employed for decades to convince minorities to support them at the polls.

One person who hasn’t fallen for the Democrats dirty tricks is NFL Hall-of-Famer Burgess Owens. During a reparations hearing, Burgess Owens slammed the Democrat Party and their embarrassing efforts.

Owens told the members of Congress how he feels about the Democrat Party he used to belong to, and how he feels about the proposed HR-40 bill that would study issuing reparations for black Americans:  “I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found out the misery that that party brought to my race.” Owens continued, “Let’s pay restitution. How about the Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race.”

Watch his brilliant testimony here:

Compare Owens’ testimony to that of Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX), who is arguably one of the dumbest members of Congress. Jackson-Lee is heading up the efforts to give black Americans an unearned, taxpayer-funded funded paycheck.

Here’s what Senator McConnell has to say about the Democrat scheme for votes.

Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Do you think taxpayers should be giving black Americans reparations for something that happened over 150 years ago?

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