Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee published a video Wednesday stating she is not suicidal.

“My name is Melissa McAtee, also known as Melissa Strickler. I am the Pfizer whistleblower that was in manufacturing quality for about five years at Pfizer, but employed total for about ten years,” she said.

“I just wanted to put a video of my face out there with my voice stating I am not suicidal. Me and my husband have a happy, healthy marriage. I love my son. I love my family,” she continued.

“We have no family little disputes. Nobody with mental health issues. I’ve had no work done on my home, no work done on my car. If anything happens to me, it is big pharma, big tech, big gov. Nothing is done by myself or my family, my husband, anybody that we know. Just wanted to put that out there. Thank you,” she added.

“I AM A PFIZER WHISTLEBLOWER THE ONLY ONE ACTUALLY EMPLOYED AS A LONG TERM PFIZER EMPLOYEE I AM TIRED. I am tired of feeling like an imposter. I am tired of feeling like I have no hope. I am tired of fighting, debating, posting, researching,” McAtee wrote.

“But I am NOT suicidal. I have a story that could help change the narrative. THE WORLD IS NOT RECIEVING A TRUSTWORTHY PRODUCT,” she added.


“Melissa McAtee, a Pfizer employee, was highlighted by Project Veritas in 2021 for leaking emails from the company including claims about the use of cell lines obtained from human fetal tissues in mRNA vaccine lab testing,” WION stated.

“My last day in the plant I took this video, They were blacking out windows, on the FDA’s path for the last tour before the EUA. Why? This is against the Pfizer law. You MUST be visible at all times,” McAtee said.



Despite claims to the contrary, McAtee and Project Veritas showed an email from Pfizer’s senior director Vanessa Gelman downplaying the issue of aborted fetal cells in vaccines.

According to reports, Gelman wrote, “Not to mention the fetal cell lines” and “We should steer clear of the topic.”

McAtee has voiced concerns regarding the components of vaccines and their possible connections with injuries and deaths.

McAtee shared a link to download her Pfizer testimony.

Watch the 2021 Project Veritas report featuring McAtee below:

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