Benny Johnson of The Daily Caller took the photo of Senator Lindsey Graham owning a liberal protester (see below) during the Kavanaugh hearings. He tweeted out the photo that went viral. Today, Benny caught Senator Graham signing a stack of the photos.


People are having Lindsey Graham sign the photo I took of him owning libs. I’m gonna get a few. Who wants one?


James Woods was suspended from Twitter for re-tweeting an image that included a Democrat logo. Most people who frequent Twitter know that his suspension likely had more to do with silencing his voice during the Kavanaugh hearings. When Woods returned to Twitter yesterday, one of his first tweets was about the new, and very unlikely hero of the Republican Party…Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

Woods tweeted: “I’m gone a week ad @LindseyGrahamSC actually IS Spartacus.”

Woods was referring, of course, to Lindsey Graham’s heroic tongue-lashing he gave to the dirty Democrats during Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony.  Senator Graham’s brilliant explanation of what the dirty Democrats were doing to an honorable man and his family touched a real nerve with the American people. The internet immediately blew up with praise for the lone Republican Senator who found the courage to reveal the truth about the disgusting motives of a Party who would put politics before the life of an innocent man.

Watch his epic speech here:

Graham’s sincere outrage over what the media and the Democrat Party have done to the sterling reputation of Judge Kavanaugh didn’t end with the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Kavanaugh.

Over and over again, Graham appeared in interviews on cable tv news networks and in the halls of Congress reminding everyone that Kavanaugh was the victim of a smear campaign by Democrats to destroy the life of an innocent man, the likes of which we have never seen before in the history of our nation.

<h2>Lindsey has since become a folk hero to Americans for standing up for Kavanaugh in a way that no other politician was willing to do.</h2>
Even our youth was inspired by Graham’s courage, as they’ve made a meme of him on social media.

Here are just a few of the very popular videos that are going viral on social media:

This one is from

Yesterday, as Graham was being followed at by a rabid feminist, he was captured on video by Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson. The video below is Johnson’s, with the addition of rap music (language warning). It’s the perfect example of how the youth is paying attention to what’s happening with politics in America.

They’ve actually turned Lindsey Graham’s hilarious, “I don’t give a sh*t” responses to the Dems dirty tricks into a meme.


Get ready, because the image of Graham smiling as he walked away from the screaming femiNazi is about to explode. Here’s just one example of what’s to come. Joe Biden kissing/groping the screaming Democrat feminist is only one of the first.

When Lindsey Graham was asked by TMZ if President Trump deserved a Nobel Peace Prize, here’s how he responded:

Graham, who’s long been considered a RINO by many in his own Party, had the perfect response to Sean Hannity when he reminded him that they’re not usually on the same side of issues:

@Solmemes1 put together a brilliant video, where she made Lindsey Graham the hero. Some of Graham’s c0-stars in the short video that shows the Democrat Party being destroyed, include Candace Owens, Judge Kavanaugh, Senator Grassley, Kanye West, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and of course, Donald Trump.

When he appeared on Fox News, viewers were taken back a bit, when Graham used an expletive to describe what Democrats have done to Kavanaugh:

Senator Graham appeared on the Hannity Show the other night, where he thanked Democrats for helping to unite the Republican Party in a way that no one else could have. Graham went on to identify Democrats as “Republican of the Year”!


And in his final message to Democrats…Lindsey reminded Democrats that their thuggish behavior won’t stop them from doing what’s right…



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