The Reform Party of the United States, founded by Ross Perot, has nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for President of the United States.

The party announced it will give RFK Jr. their “automatic ballot access” in Florida.

“The Reform Party has nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. @RobertKennedyJr for President of the United States and will hand him our automatic ballot access in the State of Florida as well as our advantages as a qualified party. We look forward to working with Mr. Kennedy,” the Reform Party announced.

“The independent political movement is coming together in support of my candidacy. Thank you @ReformParty for stepping up! You’re the party that got the independent movement rolling in 1996,” RFK Jr. said.

From the Reform Party:

The Reform Party of the United States met tonight, May 23rd at 8pm EST. The Reform Party National Convention nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr for President of the United States. Mr. Kennedy will be placed on the Reform Party’s Florida ballot line.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr is the leading independent candidate in the 2024 election. Kennedy asked the Reform Party for their nomination in his bid to gain ballot access in all 50 states. Recent polls show that Kennedy would beat both Trump and Biden in head to head races.

“Of course we nominated Robert Kennedy Jr. for President of the United States,” said Reform Party Convention Secretary Richard Kasa. “He has more energy than Joe Biden and more maturity than Donald Trump. The Reform Party aligns with him better on the issues than we do with the establishment politicians. We are sure that he will be the next President of the United States”.

The Reform Party of the United States is a moderate, centrist party founded in 1996 by the supporters of Ross Perot. The Reform Party advocates for a moderate platform centered around common sense solutions for today’s political issues.

“The Reform Party lost its ballot access in Florida last year because it failed to comply with an audit. It applied to have its status reinstated, per the party’s Florida chair, but there is no indication that has happened. Until it does, Kennedy is not on the Florida ballot,” ABC News writer Will McDuffie stated.

“In September 2023, the Reform Party lost its ballot access in Florida, leaving the party with no state ballot lines. On their party convention on May 23, 2024, the Reform Party nominated the Kennedy Jr./Shanahan ticket for president and vice president respectively. The Reform Party filed paperwork for re-qualification in May 2024, which would place Kennedy and Shanahan on the ballot in Florida,” Wikipedia stated.

Per Ballot Access News:

On August 1, the Florida Secretary of State revoked the qualified status of the Reform Party, for failure to file campaign finance reports.

The Reform Party is now no longer qualified in any state.

However, the Reform Party is free to re-file for qualified status in Florida.

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