Since leftist politicians and bureaucrats discovered how much control they could exert over the public in the name of a so-called “health emergency,” many Americans and freedom-loving individuals around the world have been anticipating the announcement of a new supposed crisis to replace the COVID-19 pandemic.

This week, Pope Francis seemed to signal what that emergency might be with his proclamation about monkeypox, or as the media insists we should now call it, mpox.

According to the Daily Mail:

The Pope has declared the deadly outbreak of mpox a ‘global health emergency’ as  the first batch of vaccines are set to arrive in Africa.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) also declared the outbreak of a new strain a global health emergency earlier this month as African countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (the DRC) saw cases soar.

Pope Francis mentioned mpox during his weekly Sunday prayers.

Speaking in St Peter’s Square the pontiff said: ‘I pray for all the infected people, in particular the population of Democratic Republic of Congo, so affected, I express my closeness to the local churches most touched by this disease.’

Mpox is a potentially deadly virus that causes flu-like symptoms followed by painful pus-filled lesions across the body.

The mpox outbreak has received considerable attention, and more than a little skepticism, since the number of cases began ticking up recently:

Vatican News also covered the pontiff’s remarks about the virus:

At the conclusion of Sunday’s Angelus, Pope Francis offered his solidarity with the thousands globally affected by Mpox (monkeypox), which is now a global health emergency. He said he is praying for all those who have the disease, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo where an outbreak is underway, a nation “suffering greatly” he lamented.

“I express my sympathy to the local Churches in the countries most affected by this disease and I encourage governments and private industries to share available technology and treatments so that no one lacks adequate medical care.”

There is already an mpox vaccine, and even the mainstream media has provided some coverage to concerns about side effects:


WHO Declares Public Health Emergency – Globalists Hellbent on Another Pandemic?

The World Health Organization (WHO) just declared a public health emergency in response to rising rates of Monkeypox in Africa.

While trusted healthcare experts, like Dr. Peter McCullough, have said that, “monkeypox does not pose a risk to the average American,” the announcement by the WHO makes one thing incredibly clear: globalists are hellbent on another pandemic.

Earlier this year, we were treated to nonstop warnings from the WHO and other globalist agencies about the possibility of an incredibly deadly “Disease X” pandemic.

Now, the WHO is issuing this public health emergency regarding monkeypox:

It’s Only a Matter of Time

The globalists have been loud and clear about their desire for another pandemic – it is obvious they won’t stop until they get one.

There is no reason to live in fear, no reason to subject yourself to dangerous experimental vaccines and no reason to accept dramatic limitations on your personal freedoms.

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This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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