This is hysterical! Senator Chuck Schumer can’t even get a stunt right! He held a press conference to bash the Senate’s healthcare bill and tried to pull a childish stunt. He had someone place a sign with the word “mean” on it and then took out a sharpie and added the letters “E-R”. The only problem is that you couldn’t see the added letters AT ALL! He had to go back and try to fill it in…STILL COULDN’T SEE IT! Priceless!

How childish that Schumer is fear mongering by calling the Senate healthcare bill “meaner” than the House bill. If being fiscally responsible with taxpayer dollars while trying to fix the disaster that is Obamacare is meaner then so be it. Someone needs to be the adult in the room and stop the madness and government waste that was happening during the Obama years. The Democrats just don’t understand that the American people GET IT and are sick of the fear mongering from Democrats. We can also do without the class warfare from the Dems! People from all walks of life have figured out what the Democrats are all about. Schumer needs to get a clue!


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