Several people chuckled along with Baltic leaders when President Trump told the Latvian President to call on a “Baltic reporter” at a joint press conference rather than an American journalist to get “real news, not fake news.”

Latvian President Vējonis and the other two Baltic state presidents—Estonia’s Kersti Kaljulaid and Lithuania’s Dalia Grybauskaitė—were in Washington, D.C. to meet with President Trump, and all four answered questions from reports during a press conference at the White House.

WFB reports:

Vējonis had just given a short answer about the Baltic countries’ relationship with Russia when Trump told him to choose another reporter to ask a question.

“Pick a reporter, please. You can pick a reporter,” Trump said. “A Baltic reporter, ideally. Real news, not fake news.”

The Latvian president hesitated, so Trump continued to urge him to choose the next questioner.

“Mr. President, pick a reporter from the Baltics. Not the same man. He was very tough. Go ahead, pick a reporter,” Trump said.

Trump ended up picking a Latvian reporter, who asked Vējonis about his planned trip to San Francisco.

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