Remember the “Summer of Love” in 2020?

Feels to me like we’re about to repeat history with mass chaos taking over the USA right in time for another election.

The latest?

Absolute anarchy as Pro-Palestinian protestors (say that 3 times fast) blocked major interstates for hours, causing serious issues in many major U.S. cities.

Here was Chicago, blocking access to O’Hare Airport for hours:

Police did nothing and passengers left their vehicles (or Ubers) and walked for miles to get to the airport:

Same story in Seattle:

From local KOMO News:

At least eight vehicles appeared to be blocking the road along with a group of people standing in the road. Some passengers could be seen walking past the protest, rolling their bags down the road as they tried to catch their flights.

“Interestingly enough, this is actually something that we’ve done tabletop exercises and plans for because this kind of thing has happened at other airports recently around the country already,” said Perry Cooper, a Seattle-Tacoma Internation Airport (SEA) spokesperson. “So we actually did a simulation of this type of situation where the drives would be blocked.”

Police and multiple tow trucks arrived on the scene shortly after the protest began. Nearly an hour after the protest started, the tow trucks began removing the vehicles that were blocking the expressway.

The Washington State Department of Transportation confirmed in a post on X that both directions of the State Route 518 off-ramp to Airport Drive were fully closed.

According to, 139 flights had been delayed at SEA Monday night. However, it was unclear how many were directly impacted by the protest.

“The airlines have instructed us to tell travelers to check in with them and their specific flight,” Cooper said. “So that’s up to them as to whether they delay those flights or make other arrangements with those travelers.”

The department said all travelers should avoid the area and use alternate routes.

“A demonstration has closed the airport expressway leading to SEA Airport,” Sea-Tac airport posted on X at 3:07 p.m. “Travelers coming to the airport were also urged to use alternate routes or take Light Rail and public transit.”

The airport posted an update on X at 6:01 p.m., noting that the demonstration had been fully cleared.

Florida handled matters much differently….

Take a look at police in action!

This was so insightful:

So true!

Different approach from Testicles, PhD (errrr “Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD) on Twitter:

Curious to know what you support:

Do you think Drivers should should be allowed to PLOW protestors who are illegally on the Interstate?

We’re taking a poll….please add your vote:

NATIONAL POLL: Should Drivers Be Allowed To Plow Protestors Illegally On The Interstate?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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