On Wednesday evening, Project Veritas released a shocking video of the Pfizer Director of Research and Development for mRNA Scientific Planning discussing the company’s plans for Covid-19 gain-of-function research.

The director, Jordan Walker, was caught on camera saying that the pharmaceutical giant plans to ‘mutate’ the Covid-19 virus in an attempt to predict future viruses and develop vaccines for them.

He called the highly controversial form of research that may have caused the original Covid-19 outbreak a ‘cash cow’ for the company.

The publication of the video caused immediate backlash from across the country from members of the conservative media as well as politicians, including Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fl.), who sent a letter to Pfizer’s CEO demanding answers.

As you might expect, Walker was not happy when Project Veritas founder James O’ Keefe confronted him after what was supposed to be a date between Walker and another male, who was a Project Veritas journalist secretly recording the conversation.

The ensuing freakout led to Walker threatening to call the police and attempting to trap Project Veritas journalists inside the restaurant where the altercation occurred.

After Walker threatened to call the police, he ended up assaulting Project Veritas journalists and destroying an iPad in a desperate attempt to cover up evidence of what he said during the fake date.

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk called Walker’s reaction the “Best Project Veritas confrontation video of all time”



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