Jorge Ramos knows the landscape and knows that if Biden is confirmed as president, our southern border will be rushed again by hundreds of thousands of Central Americans. They know that the Biden policy of open borders and freebies for illegals is a virtual welcome mat for anyone from around the globe who wants to cross into America.

Ramos speaks below about the future and it’s not good for legal American citizens:

“Mexico unfortunately has become the wall that Trump really wanted, preventing hundreds of thousands of Central Americans coming to this country.” But post-election, “they are getting ready to come here… It might be Joe Biden’s first international crisis.”


Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving to President Trump.

The gaffe master was speaking about globalism and how great it is when he said, ” I respect no borders…and cannot be contained by any walls.”

Does he realize he just offended every man who defended our borders in World War 2?

We believe Joe because he said in 2015 he wants an unrelenting stream of immigration:

In February of 2015, Joe Biden opened his mouth and spilled the beans telling exactly what the Democrats have planned for Americans.

Please listen to what Biden said in 2015 and then what Sue Payne revealed about Obama’s plan for a “New America”.

This plan puts Americans last and the third worlders they’ve been importing first. It’s a plan to redistribute wealth by importing poor migrants via immigration or refugee resettlement. The globalist agenda…

These initial “new Americans” are to be used as “seedlings” in the construction of a “country within a country.

Yes, Joe Biden wants an “unrelenting stream of immigration” that will make “Caucasians like me” the minority. And that’s a “good thing” (February 2015)

THE WARNINGS WERE THERE…Please listen to what Sue Payne had to say to Mark Levin about Obama’s plan YEARS AGO:

TASK FORCE ON NEW AMERICANS FOR A NEW AMERICA: How Obama’s administration weaponized illegal aliens and refugees

Journalist and radio host Sue Payne reveals to Mark Levin what we’ve been saying about what’s happening to small towns all across America. Ms. Payne was lucky enough to be privy to a  plan for building a ‘country within a country’ using illegals and refugees. This is terrible for America and is a serious blow to our economy, jobs and way of life. Please listen to Sue Payne and read the bullet points below. Google “Welcoming America” and check to see if they’re in your town, then you’ll know if your town is a target. Yes, this is the fundamental transformation Obama was talking about.

Sue Payne was privy to listening-in on multiple conference calls between Barack Obama and 16 members of his cabinet. What she uncovered was shocking and disturbing.

The administration’s weaponization of illegal aliens and refugees may be far more sinister than even the most ardent opponents have yet imagined.

On one of these calls, Obama conducted a meeting with his new ‘Task Force On New Americans,’ chaired by radical Cecilia Munoz, former vice president of the radical, Hispanic race-supremacy group La Raza (‘The Race’).

“Remember when he (Obama) went to Las Vegas? The media said he was signing an executive order for five million illegal aliens to become deferred. In reality, what he did was sign a memorandum that created the ‘Task Force On New Americans,’ which was going to implement his ‘amnesty mill’ for the five million illegals – which I believe is going to be more than that… On these conference calls, it became clear that he’s looking at 13 to 15 million to give protection and move them on to citizenship.” – Payne

These initial “new Americans” are to be used as “seedlings” in the construction of a “country within a country,” which would help complete a full ‘fundamental transformation’ of the United States.

Specific cities are being designated as “receiving communities” (sanctuary cities – we now have 300!) to which illegals are being bused and flown at the expense of American taxpayers. These communities are being used as incubators for an entirely new population that assist in bringing ‘people in the shadows’ into the light – to essentially conquer proper citizens and push them into the underclasses over time.


Cabinet members discussed the importance of designating upon these illegals ‘refugee status,’ and to then make them aware of their ‘rights’ as they pertain to massive income tax credits (to the tune of $35,000 in some cases), free medical care, free in-state tuition, 0% personal loans, credit cards, and other forms of ‘free cash’ – all at taxpayer expense.

Additionally, there was emphasis placed on the importance of waves of older illegal immigrants “aging successfully” by being immediately slip-streamed into the Social Security program that the Congressional Budget Office has already warned will be completely exhausted by 2030. This is, of course, despite the fact that they would be illegally and undeservedly sucking dry the mandatory lifetime contributions of American workers.

It was also made clear that this ‘protected class’ of illegal aliens from South and Central America, Mexico, Haiti, Syria, Africa, and the Middle East would not be interested in – nor expected to be – integrating, but to instead “navigate” their way through our society and culture until theirs’ dominate. Read more: wfp

On November 21, 2014 the Task Force on New Americans was formed. Task Force began meeting until Jan – Feb 2015, when a series of three (3) listening sessions was conducted to gather information for the preparation of a report due to the president by March 2015.

During the three listening sessions, it was disclosed that representatives of the White House and all cabinet members as well as immigrant groups would share information to be included in the report.
Some of the information exchanged was:

Immigrants should be viewed as seedlings to be planted in fertile soil to grow. The fertile soil was equated to the “receiving communities” which would be those communities the illegal aliens are now living in, but once out of the shadows, these communities become welcoming or receiving communities.

Others commented that these same communities would be viewed as “emergent immigrant communities”

As a listener on the call, it was easy to logically see how these communities would welcome immigrants out of the shadows, but also, it could be construed that the host community members might well be relegated into the shadows. In essence, the seedlings consume the host and what was once the original community is transformed.

One comment cautioned against assuming these “New Americans” would want to assimilate. The interest was in navigation, not assimilation, and the navigation was through the system, focused on benefits.

Another commented that not all the New Americans would want work permits; rather many of the immigrant women wanted to be home with their children and not work, provided taxpayer benefits are secured for them and their children.

*Another suggestion indicated that the Task Force consider these New Americans as refugees or asylum seekers, and as such considered for cash, medical, educational, and housing benefits.

*Testimony by John Conyers  reveals that the effort to rename and therefore reclassify illegals as refugees is happening:


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