Free Speech truly is dead in America….

Yesterday we reported that Dukes of Hazzard start John Schneider said Biden was Guilty of Treason and should be Hung.

Here’s that report:

1980s TV Star John Schneider Tells Biden: “I Believe You Are Guilty Of Treason And Should Be Publicly Hung. Your Son Too’

A tough statement to be sure, but.....criminal?

I was under the impression we still had Free Speech in this country.

I was also under the impression that the penalty for Treason is still death.

We'll evaluate those claims in just a minute, but here is the breaking update to that story:

The Secret Service is now investigating Schneider:

Here is the original post that kicked this off:

That led to many replying and shall we say "disagreeing" with Joe Biden.

But it was John Schneider’s comment that particularly drew the attention of the Secret Service.

“Mr. President, I believe you are guilty of treason and should be publicly hung. Your son too. Your response is..? Sincerely, John Schneider,” the actor wrote in response to Biden’s tweet.

Now this:

Here's more on the breaking story, from Deadline:

“It’s my position, which I am entitled to have, that some of our nations [sic.] leaders in Washington have lost their way, and corruption runs rampant, both on our nation’s borders and abroad,” Schneider went on to say. “Transparency and accountability must happen in order for our constitutional republic to survive. There is no threat implied or otherwise in that statement.”

Officially, the White House and the Secret Service, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security, are saying nothing on any investigation of Schneider. “The Secret Service is aware of the comments made by Mr. Schneider, and as a matter of practice, we do not comment on matters involving protective intelligence,” a Secret Service spokesperson says of the matter. “We can say, however, that the Secret Service investigates all threats related to our protectees,” the agency added.

Sources close to events confirm the probe is in the preliminary stage.

“We look at all threats against our protectees and, due to intent, this falls under the definition of a threat,” a law enforcement insider informed Deadline Thursday.

A federal Class D felony, a “credible” threat against the president is subject to up to five years behind bars and a $250,000 fine. Restrictions on going online can be applied too by a judge in sentencing, as can three years of supervised release. The law “prohibits knowing and willful threats to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm against” the President, the VP, their predecessors, potential successors and their respective “immediate family.”

If the government deems the threat was real, any “prosecution …would not only require proof that the statement could reasonably be perceived as a threat but would also require some evidence that the maker intended the statement to be a threat,” according to the statute.

But if you're Far Left, you're allowed to literally hold a severed head of the sitting President and nothing happens?

But I wanted to check something out....

Is it true that the penalty for Treason is death in the USA?

So I asked Grok:

Of course those numbers are about 250 years old, so they are very small and not inflation adjusted, but still quite a range of penalties!

Death....or just prison for 5 years!

That seem odd to anyone else?

It all comes from 18 U.S.C. § 2381 - Treason:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Anyway, I want to know what you think....

If Joe Biden is eventually found guilty of Treason, I want to know if you think the Death Penalty should be imposed as provided for in this statute listed above:

NATIONAL POLL: If Joe Biden Is Found Guilty of Treason, Do You Support The Death Penalty?

I'll post the results tomorrow!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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