During President Trump’s term in office, one of the people that stood out as a future leader in conservative politics was Richard Grenell. He’s got the DC swamp figured out and rejects them.

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell spoke at CPAC on Saturday, beginning his speech by saying that “the doctrine of America first is here to stay.”

His speech took on the subject of foreign policy by calling out the so-called “experts” who lie to us about our foreign affairs.

During his tenure as Ambassador to Germany, Grenell said he decided to speak to people on the ground in foreign countries instead of the people DC  “experts” told him to contact.

He moved on to bring up the need for term limits and then went after California Governor Gavin Newsom. Grenell teased the audience by implying he would run against Newsom. We can only hope!

Recently, Grenell spoke about Biden’s mistake of trying to “muscle out” Trump:

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has been an outspoken supporter of President Trump since his days as Ambassador to Germany. He has proved to be one of the few fearless truth-tellers in the DC Swamp.

Newsmax interviewed him about the effort by Biden to “cancel” Trump. Grenell began the interview by calling out the Biden administration for pushing to conceal intel briefings from former President Trump. This is the biggest indication that the Swamp still fears him…They should.

PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT: Look, it always troubles me when insiders in Washington try to really control and manipulate information. This is really unacceptable. There’s no reason why the Biden administration, President Biden, is trying to muscle out Donald Trump really cancel him altogether in a variety of different ways. Look, this is the team that told us just a couple of weeks before the election that Hunter Biden’s laptop
was Russian disinformation. This is the team that told us that the Benghazi assault terror attack was because of a video. They want to have this little narrative so that they can control intelligence narratives, and it’s unacceptable to those of us outside of Washington.

Inside of Washington, this is the game. This is how they control the narrative. They think the rest of us are stupid, and so they want to spoon-feed us everything.” – Richard Grenell.  

It is customary for former presidents to receive intelligence briefings if requested.  In Biden’s Bid for unity, he wants to take that away from his opponent and change that tradition.

Banana Republic Biden signing stacks of executive orders during his first days as president

Progressives love destroying traditions for the sake of it to corrupt and dismantle societal foundations.  Biden’s latest iteration of this relates to President Donald Trump receiving intelligence briefings, which would have been customary.

The National Pulse Reports:

President Joe Biden does not want former president Trump to receive an intelligence briefing should he request one, citing Trump’s “erratic behavior unrelated to the insurrection” in an interview with CBS.

“What value is giving him an intelligence briefing?” Biden asked. “What impact does he have at all, other than the fact he might slip and say something?”

It is the current president’s prerogative to determine whether past presidents should receiving access to intelligence briefings upon request. Trump has not requested any so far.”

This bullying need for control is a common theme with progressives: say you love America just like everyone else, but then focus on all its faults, talk it down, alter its long-established history, and demand that it fundamentally change and bend to your personal will.  Then, call for unity and peace, and love.

Imagine telling someone that you love them and then immediately making such demands.

What kind of person would that make you?

I’m sure the psychologists in the comments section can give us a clinical diagnosis.

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