A member of the Worker’s World Party pulled down the statue in Durham, NC. It’s really not about the statues…It’s a culture war and a leftist revolution. In other words, this is serious business to the organized communist groups who became emboldened during Obama’s 8 years in office. TheY don’t want the “progress” to stop. The “progress” is destroying capitalism and making America more socialist and communist leaning. Don’t believe us? Check out the WWP and you’ll see it’s another name for the communist party in America: Worker’s World Party
One of the activists who toppled a Confederate statue in Durham, N.C., on Monday night is a member of an extreme leftist group that supports the totalitarian regime in North Korea and wants to abolish capitalism.
Taqiyah Thompson, a student at North Carolina Central University, was arrested Tuesday following a press conference in which she defended the actions of the demonstrators and equated police officers to Confederate soldiers and Ku Klux Klan members.
“I did the right thing,” she said. “Everyone who was there — the people did the right thing. The people will continue to keep making the right choices until every Confederate statue is gone, until white supremacy is gone. That statue is where it belongs. It needs to be in the garbage.”
Thompson is a member of the Worker’s World Party (WWP), a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist group originally formed in 1959 as a hard-line offshoot of the more moderate Socialist Workers Party. In addition to supporting a wide range of far-left causes, the group also defends the North Korean regime of dictator Kim Jong-Un against alleged U.S. imperialism.
Read more: Daily Caller