Joe Biden has been catching flak from both sides of the aisle due to his stance on transgender people being able to compete in sports that are the opposite of their biological sex.

Two weeks ago, the Biden Administration released confusing guidance about the participation of trans people in sports.

The guidance said that while they would not support blanket bans because they would support Title IX, individual schools and athletic conferences could effectively ban their participation “based on a set of sex-related criteria unique to their community”.

Top Progressives such as Alexandria Occasio Cortez (D-Ny.) said that the move was a concession to Republicans and transphobes, calling it a ‘disgrace’.

Now, Biden is under attack for vowing to veto a bill that would prevent schools that receive Title IX federal funding from allowing biological males to participate in female sports.

Prominent women’s sports advocate Riley Gaines said that Biden’s veto shows that “science, truth, and common sense no longer matter”.

FOX News Reports

Riley Gaines, a former All-American swimmer from the University of Kentucky, didn’t hold back when reacting to President Joe Biden’s promise to veto a bill that would prevent biological males from participating in women’s sports.

Speaking with Fox News Digital on Monday just hours after the White House released a statement that slammed the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, or H.R. 734, Gaines said Biden’s veto promise was evidence he was putting a “radical minority” ahead of women across the country.

“The president has declared that science, truth and common sense no longer matter. In opposing this bill, President Biden is catering to a radical minority at the expense of women, who are 51% of the population,” Gaines said.

“Equal opportunity, privacy and safety in our sports shouldn’t be controversial. The women who once advocated for Title IX should be outraged as this goes against everything they fought for. Female athletes of all ages, levels and sports deserve better,” she added.

Congress has not yet passed H.R. 734, which is expected to come to a vote on the floor of the House of Representatives sometime this week.


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