As if the regulations Obama has added to government aren’t enough…Obama decided to flood government with even more regulations. This is one of the main complaints of those who have opposed his policies:

Clyde Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute warns that Obama’s manufacturing of regulations is not over. With the amount of time left in the year, the current pace of rule passage could bring many thousands of more pages.

“This is astonishing and should be of great concern, and intolerable, to policymakers.” Said Wayne Crews. “It is remarkable enough that the all-time record has been passed before Thanksgiving.” Read more: ZH

Obamacare and Dodd-Frank are two of the costliest rules ever issued by federal agencies. 

Regulations weigh down the economy so it’s really going to be great when Trump gets in office and begins to slashes them.  Trump has specifically pointed out a need to cut global warming and environmental regulations. Cutting these regulations will free the economy and businesses to thrive and grow…

  The Obama administration turned up the regulatory spigot and published 21 new regulations in the last week that will cost the economy nearly $5 billion, signaling a slew of “midnight” regulations may be on the way.

“This is either the beginning of a midnight uptick in regulation or an otherwise busy week for federal regulators,” Sam Batkins, the director of regulatory policy at the right-leaning American Action Forum, wrote in a report.

Batkins, an expert on federal regulations, found federal agencies finalized 19 new regulations last week totaling $2.4 billion in costs, but only $623 million in benefits. Batkins also pointed to another two recently-finalized rules costing businesses $2.3 billion.

The White House is increasing the number of rules it pushes out every week as federal agencies rush to finish regulations before President Barack Obama leaves office in January. The Obama administration’s latest Unified Agenda had 1,019 final rules ready to be put on the books.

Read more: Daily Caller


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