To the chagrin of the Democrat party, an informed and engaged citizenry is the unintended consequence of elections fraught with fraud and the silencing of dissent.

A young man wearing dreadlocks and a backward baseball hat rips into board members at a San Diego Supervisor’s meeting for spewing false propaganda regarding PCR tests and Covid deaths.

San Diego resident, Shaun Frederickson, took the mic at a supervisor’s meeting, calling out one member in particular, saying, “I’d like to address Miss Wilma Wooten and that propaganda you were sharing,” he said, “this is not factual.” Adding, “being that we are not Cuba yet, or North Korea, we still have access to the internet.”

He claimed her department did a fantastic job documenting (Covid) deaths in the county, and says he’s “taken that information which you’ve provided, to ensure that I’m an informed citizen, and I know when you’re lying.

Amid hollers and cheers of approval by others in attendance, Mr Frederickson went on to recite deaths in the county vs total population, showing that the frantic cries of exploding deaths and positive cases are ludicrous and calling the PCR test  “unscientific” and claiming it’s being used at “45- thresholds which make these positive tests, false positives.”

Using the internet (while he still can), Mr Frederickson found the following data regarding deaths in San Diego county which is home to approximately 3.3 million people:

  • April deaths – 147
  • May deaths – 54
  • June deaths – 80

“How many rights are we gonna take away before we look at the facts?”



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