Reckless policies by Democrats have created a massive health crisis in California, and government workers are being paid handsomely for literally picking up their messes.
There’s an underreported mass exodus out of Nancy Pelosi’s hometown, the sanctuary city of San Fransisco, CA. The out-of-control cost of living and high taxes are some of the reasons residents are leaving. But the underreported filth, homelessness and mass invasion by illegal immigrants in one of America’s most progressive cities cannot be overstated. In Feb. 2018, Mercury News reported that between July 2015 and July 2017, the San Fransisco region gained 44,732 immigrants but lost 44,102 residents.
When you look the cities where Democrat Party leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters rule (Skid Row is in Maxine Waters district), it’s easy to see why they’ve been pushing a make-believe story about President Trump and the Russians.
After 20 years of envelope-pushing changes to grow government and ease law enforcement, the once-shining City by the Bay has turned into a place where:
An online map is needed to track human feces on city streets
Discarded syringes are common sightings
Public urination is so widespread it has damaged subway elevators and escalators, building walls and power poles
A new study reveals that each case of poop that has to be cleaned up on the streets of San Francisco costs the taxpayer $32 dollars, with 118,352 recorded reports of human feces since 2011.
Business Insider reports – In San Francisco, you can earn more than $184,000 a year in salary and benefits for cleaning up feces.
As members of the city’s “Poop Patrol,” workers are entitled to $71,760 a year, plus an additional $112,918 in benefits, such as healthcare and retirement savings, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
In August, the city announced that five staffers from the San Francisco Department of Public Works would soon roam the Tenderloin neighborhood — where nearly half of the city’s homeless population is — in search of waste. The staffers will begin their efforts each afternoon equipped with a steam cleaner for sanitizing the streets.
The full budget for the initiative, $830,977, signifies a concerted effort to address the city’s mounting feces problem, which has resulted in more than 14,500 calls to 311, the city’s non-emergency-services line, since the beginning of the year, the Chronicle previously reported.
Conservative writer and personality, Paul Joseph Watson nailed it with this video, exposing the truth about the Sanctuary City of San Fransisco, where travelers and residents can obtain “poop maps” to help them avoid the stench of the Democrat-ruled city.