Sarah Sanders handled the White House press like a champ today! Jim Acosta asked a loaded question about separating families crossing our border illegally: CNN’s Jim Acosta asks about family separations at the border: “Why is the government doing this?” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders: “Because it’s the law and that’s what the law states…”

“Come on Sarah, you’re a parent. Don’t you have any empathy for what these people are going through?” CNN political analyst Brian Karem presses White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on family separations at the US-Mexico border

“Hey Brian I know you want to get some more tv time but that’s not what this is about.” – SARAH SANDERS

The latest fake outrage from the left is how cruel the Trump administration is for separating illegal alien families at the border. They’re forgetting that these parents are the ones who put their children in danger by making the trek across the border. They are not innocent but have broken our federal law by illegally crossing the border. Would these bleeding heart liberals want us to just let everyone march through without any consequences?

This guy on twitter nails it:

Migrate Legally!


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