Only moments ago, Peter Doocy, the Fox News White House Correspondent that Joe Biden called a “Stupid son-of-a-bitch” one month ago, humiliated our feckless leader once again, this time, by using his own words to question his position on the Russian president who initiated a full-scale war against Ukraine early this morning.

“First, markets are down, and gas prices are up. I know you always stress the difference between Wall Street and Main Street, but everybody seems to be in for some economic pain. How economically painful will it get for people in this country?” the Fox News White House Correspondent asked.

Joe Biden, who, at moments during his press conference, appeared to be more lucid than usual (perhaps effective drugs?) responded by explaining, “Whenever a major nuclear power attacks and invades another country that markets are going to respond.”

“Did you underestimate Putin?” Peter Doocy asked. “And would you still describe him the way you did in the summer when you said he was a ‘worthy adversary'” the Fox News reporter asked.

Biden responded, “At the time, he was—I made it clear—and I said he was worthy—I didn’t underestimate him. And I’ve read almost everything he’s written. Did you read—I shouldn’t say—I’m not trying to be a wise guy.”


Biden explained that Putin’s ambitions are about returning Ukraine to the former USSR.

“You’re confident that these devastating sanctions are going to be as devastating as Russian missiles and tanks?” Doocy asked. “Yes, Russian bullets and missiles and tanks—yes, I am,” Biden responded.

Whatever that means…


On January 24, the guy who promised to bring America together and “heal the political divide” was caught on a hot mic making a not-so-healing remark about Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy at the conclusion of his press conference.

As the room filled with White House correspondents cleared, Fox News’ Peter Doocy attempted to ask President Trump a final question about inflation from the back of the room. It’s difficult to hear precisely what Doocy is saying, as he’s forced to wear a face mask.


This video is an excellent reminder about who Joe Biden is.  He may not have his mental game together, but he hasn’t lost his mean girl edge.


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