The Freedom from Religion Foundation has been on a mission to remove any references to Christianity in schools. They threaten to sue if they don’t get their way so most of the time they win. They’ve been successful in removing long-held traditions and monuments to Christianity all over America. They are 31,000 members strong and are hell-bent on ripping any mention of “God Bless America” out of schools across America.

One Pennsylvania school just became a victim of their mission:   To avoid a lawsuit, the school principal says he will no longer say “God bless America” after leading students in the Pledge of Allegiance.

One parent complained about the practice of saying “God Bless America” after saying the pledge in the morning.
FFR claimed it violated the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition of government sponsoring religious messages:

“We’re gratified that Springfield officials listened to us so clearly,” foundation Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor said in a statement posted on the group’s website. “Young elementary school children don’t need to be coerced into affirming God’s name every morning.” H/T Daily Times

So what did this anti-Christian group accomplish? Nothing really:

According to Philly Voice, in a  statement, the district says it is not prohibiting students from reciting “God bless America” after the pledge on their own.


An attorney recently contacted Springfield School District and asserted on behalf of his client that Sabold Elementary School administration’s practice of publicly reciting the words, “God Bless America” over the loudspeaker immediately after the public recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance violated the law.

In accordance with District protocol, this complaint was forwarded to our District Solicitor’s Office. Based on the Solicitor’s legal research and recommendation, we ceased this practice.  Continuation of any practices that may be unlawful would only expose the District to litigation, which the local taxpayers would have to financially support.

 To be clear, the District has not altered the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and has not prohibited students from deciding on their own, as their own form of self-expression, whether or not to state the words, “God Bless America” (or any other appropriate form of self-expression) upon completing the Pledge of Allegiance.   

We understand that this is an important topic for many of our constituents; however, please understand that the District does not make the law.  We follow it.  

Thank you for your understanding.  

The Springfield School District

Why are these people trying to cleanse America of any Christianity, when America was founded on Judeo Christian beliefs?


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