Late Friday evening, House and Senate Democrats voted to shut down our government and use our military as political pawns in their fight to keep 800,000 illegal aliens and their extended families in America, hoping that if they show they are fighting to keep illegals here, millions of illegals will become future Democrat voters.  Meanwhile, without batting an eye, Demcrat lawmakers have shamelessly cut payments to our brave troops and law enforcement officers.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders slammed House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for taking House members out to dinner at a fancy DC restaurant to celebrate. Sanders tweeted: “Nancy Pelosi is “very proud” Democrats shut the government down over illegal immigration and is taking Democrats out tonight to celebrate. Nice message to send to the brave men & women of our military and border patrol forced to work without pay during the #DemocraticShutdown”

Politico’s Jake Sherman was the first to report about Nancy Pelosi hosting a dinner for all House Dems at the “Aqua Al 2” restaurant in DC.

Republican Rep. Steven Smith responded to Sherman’s tweet, by posting a copy of the menu with entree items ranging from $18- $39.

“Thomas-S Fla,” asked Pelosi if his US Army daughter can go? He admonished the out-of-touch legislator for her arrogance and insensitivity to our American troops who the Democrats are using as pawns in their fight to keep 800,000 illegal aliens and their extended families in the U.S. for votes.  He tweeted: “Hi @NancyPelosi Can my @USArmy daughter go? For some reason she’s not getting a paycheck and illegals get more support from dems then she does…personally I think its idiotic to hold up military paychecks… The play with high explosives…”

“Dr. Tommy” reminded everyone that as the House Dems are celebrating their government shutdown at a fancy DC restaurant, they have killed the popular children’s health bill CHIP. Dr. Tommy tweeted: “Pelosi and House Dems celebrate killing the children’s health bill CHIP. As children die from lack of healthcare, it’s on the Democrats!”

“Jeff Works4aliving” responded to Pelosi’s disgusting actions by pointing out that she is screwing his active duty son: “Wow. My Son in the military gets screwed and she celebrating?
What has this country coming to?”

Former White House advisor Sebastian Gorka tweeted: “The Left is celebrating. Because they love illegals. And not our military. SHAMEFUL”

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders brilliantly explained how elected Democrats in the House and Senate are using the shut down of our government to deflect from “the booming Trump economy”. Sanders blasted the Democrats, telling them: “Do your job Democrats: fund our military and reopen our government #SchumerShutdown”

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