The Senate Finance Committee hearing for the Republican Graham-Cassidy health care bill became a screaming protest today. People in wheelchairs screamed and chanted in opposition to the bill…One woman was removed for her disruption:

In what was clearly a manufactured protest with mostly people in wheelchairs, the disruption was enough to make a key senator yell back.  Sen. Orrin Hatch responded to protestors whose shouting prevented the hearing’s start, saying, “If you want a hearing, you better shut up.”

“I’d like to welcome everyone, and I do mean everyone,” Finance Committee Chairman Hatch said, referencing the large crowd of protestors.

A protestor started screaming something unintelligible.

“Well if we’re gonna,” Hatch began before the chants grew louder.

“If you want a hearing, you better shut up,” Hatch said, pounding his gavel.

“Let the police take care of it,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) quietly told Hatch.

“Oh, I will. I will,” Hatch said.

After a brief period of more chanting by protestors, Hatch turned to Grassley and asked, “What are they saying?”

“Don’t touch the Medicaid, save our–” Grassley said before trailing off, clearly unsure of what the last part of the chant was supposed to be.

The chant in question was, “Don’t touch the Medicaid, save our liberty.”

The Senate has been expected to vote on the latest Obamacare repeal effort before the end of the month. Opposition has mounted against the bill, however, and with Republican Sen. John McCain already a definite “no,” and others doubtful, the bill’s future is uncertain.

Read more: WFB

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