We all knew this but we also know that the reporting is very biased in favor of the Trayvon Martins or Freddie Grays of the world. The squeaky wheel gets the grease… The stat that’s shocking is that there were 6,000 black on black crimes last year. Please pass this truth on to everyone you know.

According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund 682 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in the past five years in the United States. That averages out to over 136 dead law enforcement officers each year.

Here are the numbers:

2010 – 161
2911 – 171
2012 – 126
2013 – 107
2014 – 117

Conversely, on average, there were 96 black males who are killed by white police officers each year – and another 300 white males who are killed by police officers according to FBI statistics.
USA Today reported:

Nearly two times a week in the United States, a white police officer killed a black person during a seven-year period ending in 2012, according to the most recent accounts of justifiable homicide reported to the FBI.

On average, there were 96 such incidents among at least 400 police killings each year that were reported to the FBI by local police.

Then there’s this… There were 431 black killers of “whites” in 2014, compared to 193 “white” killers of blacks while blacks make up only 13% of the national population. There were approximately 6,000 black on black murders last year.

Remember this the next time the liberal media or some far left crank tries to persuade you there is an epidemic of black men being slaughtered by white cops.

Read more: Gateway Pundit


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